Stubborn Belly Fat? Try Adding Canola Oil To Your Diet

Adding canola oil to your diet might help shrink stubborn abdominal fat in as little as four weeks.

Vitamin D Deficiency May Cause Early Menopause

The study researchers discovered a stark benefit among women who consumed high levels of the essential vitamin.

Scientists Brew Probiotic Beer That’s Actually Good for You

The beer can neutralize toxins and viruses and even help to keep the immune system in check.

Food Industry Study Questions Sugar Guidelines

A systematic review of research informing daily sugar intake concludes “guidelines on dietary sugar do not meet criteria for trustworthy recommendations."

Stevia May Be the Cure for Lyme Disease

Stevia leaf extract was shown to treat the tick-borne disease better than traditional antibiotics.

Researchers Study How Fat Content Affects Ice Cream Taste

It turns out that people can't tell the difference between low-fat and high-fat ice cream.

Celiac Disease Induced By Common Virus: Study

When given to mice, an infection known as reovirus sparked an inflammatory response that led the immune system to “overreact” to gluten and essentially bring on celiac disease.

Eating More Fruits and Veggies Can Improve Mental Health

The new study assessed vitality, depression, anxiety, motivation and other aspects of mental well-being among groups of participants who were directly given more fruits and vegetables.

Eating Nuts Every Day Might Lower Your Heart Disease Risk

An apple a day might keep the doctor away, but so might a handful a nuts. A new study suggests they can reduce your risk of heart disease.

Give Peanuts to Infants? New Allergy Recommendations May Surprise You

Give babies peanuts to ward off deadly allergy. Being around dogs and dirt promote healthier growth, too.

Late Night Snacking Could Cause Serious Health Problems

Have you ever been told to not eat past 7 p.m.? Here's why that practice holds merit.

These Herbs and Vegetables May Prevent Breast Cancer From Spreading

The study results showed that breast cancer cells were subdued, and even killed, when treated with luteonin, a compound found in certain herbs and vegetables.

TV Cooking Shows Might Be Failing Safety Standards

A study found that cooking TV shows overlook safe food-handling practices, influencing millions of viewers.

The Bittersweet Truth About Sugar Substitutes

From the natural to the artificial, here's a breakdown of sugar substitutes and where they fall on the glycemic index.

New Guidelines Make It Easier for Pregnant Women to Eat Fish

The new guidelines will make it easier for pregnant women to make informed choices about consuming fish.

Making Sense of Mukbang: The Latest Social Eating Trend Explained

Mukbang, which means “eating broadcasts,” is an online movement where people video themselves eating food, usually in large amounts

Miss or Must-Have? Rank These Health Innovations

Vital Updates scours the web daily for innovative health products. Cast your vote to let us know which ones you think are the most interesting.

Diet Soda May Be Linked to Stroke, Dementia

A study found that those who consumed artificially sweetened beverages on a daily basis were about three times as likely to experience a stroke or develop dementia compared to people who consumed diet drinks less frequently.

Bagged Salads Could Be a Breeding Ground for Salmonella

Researchers found the moist environment in bags of salad provides the perfect setting for salmonella bacteria to grow.

Now That’s Cool: Cinnamon Could Lower Your Body Temperature

You might be able to use a sprinkle of cinnamon to help cool off from a spicy meal, new research suggests.

Why Parents Can Relax Over Fussy-Eating Toddlers

If your toddler obsesses over Cheetos and throws a fit when you try to introduce a sweet potato, it might not be your fault.

Eat These Foods Instead of Meat to Help You Feel Full

Researchers say eating beans and peas are more filling than a meat-based diet and can contribute to significant weight loss.

Antibiotics Found to Counteract Benefits of Whole Grain Foods

Whole grain foods are great sources of fiber and nutrients for the body, but antibiotics were found to neutralize these benefits.

7 Foods to Boost Your Sex Drive

Need a little boost in the bedroom? Try some or all of these libido-enhancing foods.

Getting Enough Sleep Could Help Prevent Unhealthy Stress Eating

A new study showed that stressed out employees tend to bring their stress home to the dinner table, often making bad food choices.

Eating Salty Food Increases Hunger, Not Thirst

A new study disproves that the more salt you eat, the thirstier you become.

Cooking on High Heat Could Increase Your Heart Disease Risk

The level of heat in your kitchen may have a direct correlation to your chances of developing a dangerous heart condition.

Mediterranean Diet May Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer

Researchers concluded that nuts, fruit and fish were most strongly inversely associated with one of the deadliest forms of breast cancer.

An Apple a Day Could Keep Diabetes Away

Eating fresh fruit everyday was found to positively impact both diabetes and overall mortality risk.

The Darker the Coffee Roast, the Fewer the Health Benefits

The new findings may leave you considering a lighter, softer brew if you’re seeking to maximize the plentiful health benefits that come alongside your daily caffeine infusion.

These Late Night Snacks Won’t Leave You Feeling Guilty

Craving a late-night snack before bedtime? Check out these five easy foods that promote sleep.

Too Much Protein Could Wreck the Benefits of Weight Loss

Too much protein in your diet could affect your metabolism in ways you're not expecting.

Free Soda Refills Are Now Illegal in France

France's recent law prohibiting free refills of sugary sodas aims is in response to the rising rate of obesity there.

Nacho Cheese From Gas Station Causes Botulism Outbreak

A gas station in California's capital city is under investigation for ten cases of botulism from nacho cheese consumption.

Scientists Create Sensor That Can Track What You Eat

Could this technology be the key to easier dieting?

Enzyme Found in Baker’s Yeast Could Help Treat Leukemia

Researchers say that yeast-derived L-asparaginase may be a safer, more effective treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Eating Apples and Curry May Starve Prostate Cancer Cells

The new study sheds light on a growing body of research focusing on naturally occurring compounds, taking a wide-glance view of potential plant-based treatments.

Artificial Sweeteners Are the New Sugar Fix for Kids

The prevalence of low-calorie artificial sweeteners in a growing number of basic food products has made the impending sugar fix more and more difficult to avoid for many consumers, young and old.

Eating This Spicy Ingredient May Help to Fight Breast Cancer

Research has found that an active ingredient found in chili peppers may help to fight breast cancer.

Daily Coffee Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Says Study

Coffee contains an abundance of micronutrients and antioxidants, and researchers discovered in animal trials that one compound in particular helps the body regulate fasting glucose levels

4 More U.S. Cities Pass Soda Tax Measures

Advocates of the taxes argued that sweetened beverages like soft drinks and soda are unhealthy and can cause diabetes.

7 Refueling Snacks to Eat Post-Workout

Maximizing your results after a workout is easy and delicious with these seven refueling snacks.

Are Your Taste Buds Dulled? You May Be Prone to Obesity

A new study found that participants with compromised taste receptors sought out more sugar.

Post-Election Stress? Try These 7 Foods To Keep Calm

As soothing and as tempting as it may seem, downing a pizza or a bag of chips might actually make your post-election stress and anxiety worse.

Breastfeeding Does Not Make Children Smarter Long-Term: Study

Children in a study who were breastfed for six months did show lower rates of hyperactivity and better problem solving skills by age three, but when the children turned five, those differences dissipated.

More Veggies in Your Diet May Reduce Stress

People who ate three to four servings of vegetables per day had a 12 percent reduced risk of stress than those who consumed just one serving or none at all.

Tomatoes, Apples Boost Lung Health Among Ex-Smokers: Study

The study reveals the benefits of a diet rich in specific fruits.

This Natural Indian Herb Might Help You Fall Asleep

While Ashwagandha has been traditionally known to ensure a better night’s sleep for centuries, no one quite understood which active element of the herb actually helps to promote sleepiness until now.

How to Remedy Constant Workplace Snacking

Is your office culture causing you to mindlessly snack throughout the day and pack on the pounds as a result?

Study Suggests Saturated Fats May Actually Be ‘Healthy’

A new study that defies conventional wisdom about the health effects of fat intake may soon have dieters asking, “Can you pass the butter, please?”


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