This Bionic Leaf Has the Potential to End World Hunger

Just like how fertilizer may have been the main factor in preventing a worldwide food crisis in the 20th century, now a ‘bionic’ leaf holds the same potential for our global future.

Stone Age Cannibalism Was Not About Nutrition: Study

Humans, as it turns out, are a terrible source of calories and nutrients.

This Natural Indian Herb Might Help You Fall Asleep

While Ashwagandha has been traditionally known to ensure a better night’s sleep for centuries, no one quite understood which active element of the herb actually helps to promote sleepiness until now.

Eating Dinner Early Could Help You Lose Body Fat

Studies show rethinking your meal timing can curb hunger, burn fat and help you lose weight.

Strawberries Top the ‘Dirty Dozen’ List of Produce Containing Pesticides

From the "Dirty Dozen" to the "Clean Fifteen," here are the fruits and vegetables claimed to contain the least and most pesticides this year.

Gluten-Free Foods Might Cause Weight Gain

Many gluten-free products found in grocery stores often contain higher levels of fats than their gluten counterparts.

Vitamin D in Your Diet May Improve Your Gut Health

Researchers believe that extra vitamin D helps to improve gut health by replenishing good bacteria.

When You Eat May Be as Important as What You Eat

The findings go hand-in-hand with growing evidence that metabolism functions differently during the day when the body is active, as opposed to at night when it’s winding down.

Dairy-Free Diets Could Harm Young People’s Bone Health

The trend of young people switching to dairy-free diets is concerning in that they may not be getting enough vitamins necessary for bone health.

Eating This Spicy Ingredient May Help to Fight Breast Cancer

Research has found that an active ingredient found in chili peppers may help to fight breast cancer.

Coffee’s Health Benefits Are Something to Buzz About

Go ahead — have that second cup of coffee.

Red Meat Doesn’t Harm Your Heart as Much as You Think: Study

Enjoy that steak — new research shows red meat has less impact on cardiovascular health than we thought.

Breast Milk Establishes Gut Microbiomes of Babies

The more breast milk the infants received, the more closely their gut’s microbiome resembled their mother’s.

Strawberries Found to Knock Down Breast Cancer in Mice

The scientists' success in animal trials may suggest strawberry extract as a curative remedy for breast cancer, although many more studies would need to be done before extrapolating to humans.

US Panel Urges Young Women to Take Daily Folic Acid Supplements

For women planning on becoming pregnant, and especially for those who already are, experts highly recommend incorporating a folic acid supplement to prevent brain and spine birth defects.

Eating Apples and Curry May Starve Prostate Cancer Cells

The new study sheds light on a growing body of research focusing on naturally occurring compounds, taking a wide-glance view of potential plant-based treatments.

These Late Night Snacks Won’t Leave You Feeling Guilty

Craving a late-night snack before bedtime? Check out these five easy foods that promote sleep.

Not Enough Meat in Diet May Lead to Preterm Birth: Study

Researchers discovered a linear association between low levels of B12, a vitamin largely found in meat and animal products, and preterm birth.

Eating Nuts Every Day Might Lower Your Heart Disease Risk

An apple a day might keep the doctor away, but so might a handful a nuts. A new study suggests they can reduce your risk of heart disease.

Fasting Diet Reprograms Pancreatic Cells, Reverses Diabetes in Mice

The researchers also assessed pancreatic cells from humans with Type 1 diabetes and discovered reprogrammed insulin production after a fasting cycle.

Now That’s Cool: Cinnamon Could Lower Your Body Temperature

You might be able to use a sprinkle of cinnamon to help cool off from a spicy meal, new research suggests.

New Study Busts the Myth That Healthy Foods Cost More

Consumers believe higher-priced foods are healthier than cheap eats, even when there is no supporting evidence. 

Compound in Red Wine May Boost Lung Health

Researchers tested inhaled resveratrol treatments on mice and found that it ultimately put the brakes on lung decline.

Pregnant Women Should Stop Eating Licorice, Study Says

The active ingredient in licorice has been found to impact fetal brain growth and development, and you may be surprised by how common it is to ingest it without even eating candy.

Nacho Cheese From Gas Station Causes Botulism Outbreak

A gas station in California's capital city is under investigation for ten cases of botulism from nacho cheese consumption.

These Foods Can Naturally Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage

You’re probably used to applying sunscreen, but you can also protect your skin naturally through your diet.

Study Suggests Saturated Fats May Actually Be ‘Healthy’

A new study that defies conventional wisdom about the health effects of fat intake may soon have dieters asking, “Can you pass the butter, please?”

Kids With ‘Obesity Gene’ Are More Tempted by Junk Food Ads

A genetic trait related to obesity may make some children more susceptible to junk food commercials on TV.

Avocados Could Treat Metabolic Syndrome

In addition to reducing cholesterol levels, eating this fatty and fibrous fruit can aid in weight loss, therefore staving off the threat of type II diabetes.

Avocados Are Causing Serious Hand Injuries

The issue has become so commonplace that doctors in London prepare themselves for a “post-brunch surge” of avocado slicing injuries on Saturday afternoons.

Trouble Sticking to Your Diet? Try Looking at Art

Researchers noticed this one outcome when people focused on dieting were shown art depicting slim body types.

Men Who Eat Garlic May Smell More Attractive to Women

In the spirit of #NationalGarlicDay, here's the scoop on a lesser known fact about this potent food.

Why You May Want to Fast Before Working Out

Not eating before working out may seem counterintuitive, but a new study says that waiting to eat until after your workout may help you burn more fat.

Diet Soda May Be Linked to Stroke, Dementia

A study found that those who consumed artificially sweetened beverages on a daily basis were about three times as likely to experience a stroke or develop dementia compared to people who consumed diet drinks less frequently.

Blueberry Juice May Increase Brain Function in Older Adults

An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but blueberry juice will help you remember who the doctor is.

Overweight Moms Are More Likely to Have Children Who Develop Epilepsy: Study

A new study found that the greater a mother’s body mass index, the greater the risk of having a baby that developed childhood epilepsy.

Could Red Onions Be Used to Prevent Cancer?

Compared to other types of onions, red onions have a particular compound that especially works to root out and destroy free radicals in the body.

Healthy Eating: The Effect on Your Brain

Researchers discovered a direct link between higher daily fruit and vegetable consumption and cognitive scores among adults.

Social Ladder May Control Your Food Cravings: Study

Research shows that feelings of social inferiority can cause people to desire and consume unhealthy foods.

Too Much Sugar May Lead to Alzheimer’s, Study Says

Sugar breaks down in a reaction known as glycation, and its byproducts can cause damage to brain cells.

New Guidelines Say Infants and Toddlers Should Avoid Fruit Juice

Fruit juice is often high in sugar, which is why the American Academy of Pediatrics is revising their guidelines for its consumption at a young age.

8 Foods Women Should Probably Add to Their Diet

For their nutritional benefits, these eight foods will do a woman's body good.

Add Legumes to Your Diet to Cut Diabetes Risk, Suggests Study

Eating about one-and-a-half servings of legumes per week was associated with a 35% reduced risk of developing diabetes.

Research Reveals How Indian Long Pepper Works to Fight Cancer

Scientists have analyzed the medicinal purposes of the Indian long pepper by studying its properties.

Eat More Fiber to Avoid Painful, Creaky Knees

Researchers found that the higher the dietary fiber intake, the lower the risk of developing osteoarthritis in the knee.

New Chewing Gum May Detect Cancer

The gum detects “volatiles” within saliva as it’s chewed and is then studied to find if the chewer produced chemicals associated with cancer.

Eating Walnuts Improves Moods of Men, Not Women

Believe it or not, the key to a happier mood for men could be as easy as eating a handful of walnuts. However, the same cannot be said for women.

Are There Too Many Antibiotics In Your Fast Food?

Some of the most popular fast and restaurants are misusing antibiotics in their food, according to a new report.

Enzyme Found in Baker’s Yeast Could Help Treat Leukemia

Researchers say that yeast-derived L-asparaginase may be a safer, more effective treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Eating Less May Contribute to Living Longer

It turns out that the cells our bodies use to digest food need a break every now and then.


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