These 7 Foods Could Be Killing Your Sex Drive

Not feeling "in the mood" lately? These common foods could be sabotaging your sex drive.

‘Mountain Dew Mouth’ May Rot Your Teeth Like Doing Meth

This condition may make you think twice before raising a can of soda to your lips.

Marijuana Users Are Fitter, More Active

New research calls into question other uses for marijuana as a weight-loss aid or supplement for those who are obese.

Excessive Sleep Linked to Higher Death Risk for Breast Cancer Patients: Study

Breast cancer patients who slept nine or more hours per night had a 46 percent greater chance of dying compared to women who slept eight hours or fewer.

Does Alcohol Type Affect Your Mood?

How does drinking beer or liquor, for example, variably change your mood? Researchers set to find out by studying various types of alcohol.

Baby Poop May Determine Cognitive Performance

Researchers noticed a certain group of bacteria was associated with better test scores among one-year-olds.

Sitting Too Much Can Speed up the Aging Process

When the association between exercise and sedentary behavior was explored, it showed that swapping sitting time with even light activity had great positive long term effects on one's health.

Lawsuit Claims St. Ives Apricot Scrub Causes Skin Damage

See which ingredient the plaintiffs claim to be harmful to skin.

US Panel Urges Young Women to Take Daily Folic Acid Supplements

For women planning on becoming pregnant, and especially for those who already are, experts highly recommend incorporating a folic acid supplement to prevent brain and spine birth defects.

This Hand-Held Device Treats ‘Suicide Headaches’

The FDA just approved a device called gammaCore that targets the vagus nerve to treat debilitating cluster headaches.

Promising Alzheimer’s Vaccine Moves Closer to Human Trials

The vaccine testing program is currently underway in pre-clinical trials, and the researchers plan to move forward with efficacy tests among human subjects once they conclude.

Through Tears, Jimmy Kimmel Recounts Newborn Son’s Terrifying Heart Scare

Jimmy Kimmel's son was born with a condition known as tetralogy of Fallot, commonly referred to as having a hole in one’s heart.

Avocados Are Causing Serious Hand Injuries

The issue has become so commonplace that doctors in London prepare themselves for a “post-brunch surge” of avocado slicing injuries on Saturday afternoons.

Global Warming Is Threatening Wine Production

Wine drinkers may want to start rationing their daily dosage of Merlot. According to a new report, wine production has dropped due to global warming.

Balancing Gut Bacteria Could Be the Key to Solving Chronic Stomach Problems

Researchers are hopeful that a new method of cutting the amount of harmful bacteria in the stomach and intestines can reduce gut-related disease burden.

Weigh Passengers Before Flights? Hawaiian Airlines Controversy Grows

Six complaints have been filed over the airline's policy of weighing passengers before they fly between Honolulu and American Samoa.

Long-term Acetaminophen Use in Pregnancy Tied to ADHD in Kids

The link is found only among pregnant women who took a product containing acetaminophen for 29 days in succession or more.

Untreated Infections May Lead to Child Obesity

Researchers have cast aside prevailing wisdom that antibiotic use in a child’s first year of life is predictive of later obesity.

Pet Dogs Help Children Feel Less Stressed

You may want to think twice the next time you send your pooch to the doghouse.

FDA Says BPA Is Safe for Use in Packaging and More

Bisphenol A, more commonly known as BPA, has often been considered a harmful substance found in plastics and resins by the general public.

Running May Increase Life Expectancy

New research shows that every hour you run could extend your life by seven hours.

11-Year-Old Girl Invents Her Own Glittery Prosthetics

Jordan Reeves' limb difference isn't slowing her down; she's embracing her unique condition by raising awareness for other children with limb differences and even designing her own 3D prosthetics.

Sugar-Laced Paper Kills E. Coli in Drinking Water

Scientists believe they have found a quick, inexpensive way of removing dangerous E. coli bacteria from drinking water.

Older American Women Are Drinking More Alcohol

There's an upward trend of older American women drinking more alcohol, and it continues to rise despite no known implications.

Heavy Alcohol Use Affects Young Men and Women’s Brains Differently

It’s no secret that long-term, heavy alcohol consumption alters brain function. In a recent study from researchers from Finland, young men and women who...

Measuring Brainwaves May Predict Reading Success in Children

Researchers noticed a unique pattern of brain activity among children who later achieved higher academic success.

Dementia Rate Drops 24 Percent in the US

The prevalence of dementia in the United States has fallen drastically in recent years, according to a new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine.

Most Cookbooks Lack Sufficient Food-Safety Information, Study Says

The study authors found a particular grievance with a common characteristic of cookbooks: using the duration of cooking in place of an internal temperature reading.

Vitamin D Linked To Beating Breast Cancer

Researchers found that women with higher levels of vitamin D in their blood were more likely to survive breast cancer than women with lower levels.

Are Men With Beards More Attractive to Women?

Men who are ready to settle down may want to leave the shaving cream and razor beneath the sink.

Far Fewer People Are Dying From Cancer — Here’s Why

Cancer rates have dropped to their lowest levels in more than two decades.

Reading Aloud May Improve Memory Retention

If you have a tendency to forget things, you might want to read aloud what you want to remember.

Alcohol Before Bed Actually Messes With Your Sleep

Here's why you may want to rethink that glass of wine before bed.

New Research Breaks Stereotype of Women Being More Emotional

It remains unclear as to whether or not women truly do express more emotions, or rather, they may just handle their emotions differently.

Jet Lag May Increase Your Risk of Liver Cancer

Chronic jet lag disrupts the metabolic rhythms of the liver. This leads to dangerous buildups of fat and bile acids, which have been linked to cancer.

New Guidelines Make It Easier for Pregnant Women to Eat Fish

The new guidelines will make it easier for pregnant women to make informed choices about consuming fish.

Could This ‘Love Hormone’ Treat Drug Addiction?

Oxytocin is a feel-good hormone, so researchers are studying its effects as a drug addiction treatment.

Scientists Engineer Super-Intelligent Mice via Gene Suppression

The researchers believe their findings may hold implications for the treatment of cognitive disorders in human beings.

New Chocolate Pill Claims to Cut Risk of Dementia and Heart Attack

A new chocolate supplement pill can help reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and dementia.

How Antibiotics Can Augment Cancer Therapy

The groundbreaking discovery reveals that a simple intervention may reverse course and prevent certain bacteria from interfering with drug therapy.

Drinking Alcohol May Boost Foreign Language Speaking Skills

Drinking that extra beer might not help you when adding up the tab, but it could help you in a foreign country.

Decreased Sex Drive in Women Is More Complicated Than Hormones

Is it low testosterone or something more serious? Researchers explain the complicated factors behind a woman's decreased sex drive.

Could Drinking Just One High-Fat Milkshake Mimic Heart Disease?

A small study of healthy males found that eating a 1,000-calorie milkshake led to a troubling change among the men’s red blood cells.

Microsoft Watch Helps Parkinson’s Patient Write Again

The "Emma Watch" allowed a young woman with Parkinson's to write legibly for the first time in years.

Children Who Lose Sleep Age More

Researchers at Princeton found a link between children getting less sleep and shorter telomere lengths.

Night Owls With This Gene Feel ‘Perpetual Jet Lag’

Researchers say that people with this genetic variant have a different quality of life, mostly because of their night owl tendencies.

Ford’s New Crib Simulates Car Rides to Put Babies to Sleep

Ford has created a high-tech crib that mimics a car ride and may just lull your baby to sleep.

Fruit Juice Could Be Causing Your Child to Gain Weight

Data from the observational studies demonstrated clinically significant weight gain for children younger than the age of two.

New Research Shows Distinctive Brain Pattern Linked to Dyslexia

Researchers found that the brains of people with dyslexia have a diminished ability to adapt to repeated input — a trait also known as neural adaptation.

Flu Vaccine Patch Kicks Painful Needles to the Curb

The patch can also be stored safely for a year without refrigeration, offering a vital option for health care in the developing world.


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