Top Doctor: New Discovery Makes Foot Calluses “Vanish”



BALTIMORE — Could foot calluses and painful cracks be a thing of the past? At the top medical school in the world, one doctors says “yes.”

Dr. David Watts, a world-renowned plastic surgeon and professor at Johns Hopkins Medical School, says his team has discovered a new way to treat damaged feet that could change the way we view skin health forever.

“When I saw the results, I was shocked,” Dr. Watts said. “I’ve been healing skin my entire life. I’ve never seen outcomes like this.”

Interestingly, although the new method is designed for folks over age 40 who have dry, callused, and painful feet, it was actually discovered working with a totally different group of people — military veterans.

Dr. Watts — who in addition to being a plastic surgeon, is also an Army Major who works regularly at Walter Reed Medical Center — was looking for a way to stop the rampant foot problems that plague people in uniform.

“If you’ve ever marched in standard issue boots, you know about foot pain. That’s actually the most common reason we pull guys out of combat — not wounds or injuries, but foot pain and infections.”

So Dr. Watts created a new technique for dealing with foot problems — one that begins healing feet in as little as 5 minutes.

Users have been stunned by the results, saying that after using this method for just a few weeks, foot pain is dramatically reduced and calluses disappear almost completely.

Additionally, it also makes feet appear years younger…amazing news for the millions of American men and women who have worn cramped, uncomfortable shoes for years and developed unsightly corns and calluses.

And the best part? Anyone can do it…right in their own home.

Dr. Watts made a video explaining his revolutionary new method…where he reveals the true cause of foot problems, and the incredible “before and after” photos of people’s feet being transformed. Asked for comment, one industry expert described the video as “Absolutely stunning. A gamechanger.”

The video has quickly gone viral, with tens of thousands of views in the last 48 hours alone.

Watch the shocking video here:


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