FDA Says BPA Is Safe for Use in Packaging and More


Bisphenol A, more commonly known as BPA, has often been considered a harmful substance found in plastics and resins by the general public. The Food and Drug Administration released a statement about its ongoing research about the harmful effects of BPA.

“One of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s highest priorities is our role in ensuring the safety of the foods that Americans consume. We base our regulatory decisions on robust science so consumers can feel confident about the foods they eat,” the statement began.

Credit: Ryan Dickey/Flickr, CC BY 2.0

“The FDA looks at all available scientific evidence when reviewing the safety of foods and food packaging, and regularly collaborates with other federal partners to protect and promote public health.”

In an effort to research the safety of BPA, FDA scientists conducted a study on rodents for two years as part of a collaborative effort known as the Consortium Linking Academic and Regulatory Insights on BPA Toxicity, or CLARITY-BPA, the statement said. CLARITY-BPA includes the main FDA study as well as additional studies using the offspring from the rodents in the core study.

The recently released draft of the core study focuses on the results of dosing various groups of rodents with BPA. The study looked at the effects of exposing the rodents to BPA in the early life stages as well as over time with doses varying from low amounts of BPA to amounts that surpass what even humans are exposed to.

Scientists assessed the rodents’ weight, tumor growth and possible areas for further research, like the prevalence of mammary gland tumors. The study will undergo the peer review process in April, 2018, and those interested can view a webcast of the peer review or attend in-person.

Related: Women Who Reduce BPA Exposure Lose More Weight: Study

“[The study] supports our determination that currently authorized uses of BPA continue to be safe for consumers,” said Stephen Ostroff, FDA deputy commissioner for foods and veterinary medicine.

The additional studies by various academic institutions are to focus on health endpoints “including genetic impacts, cardiovascular disease, obesity and behavior,” according to the CLARITY-BPA Program. The final conclusions from the study will be announced in April, 2019.

The study’s findings conflict with studies that claim BPA disrupts the human endocrine system, altering the hormones. The statement said that “overall, the study found ‘minimal effects’ for the BPA-dosed groups of rodents.”

Currently, the FDA approves BPA for use in polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins in certain food and beverage can linings. It is also authorized in food containers and packaging.