
Many Hookah Labels Mislead Customers About Nicotine Content: Study

Many hookah products have misleading labels — some with triple the amount of nicotine listed on the labels — according to new research.

Money May Not Buy Happiness, But Study Says It Might Buy Less Stress

Income and health are becoming increasingly intertwined. A new study shows that a higher income generally leads to less stress and a longer life.

5 Images That May Instantly Calm You

There are five types of images that can ease your mind. So get comfortable, kick back and relax.

Fewer American Teens Are Drinking, Smoking or Doing Drugs

American teenagers may finally be starting to behave. A new study found that teens are smoking less, drinking less and doing fewer drugs.

Beauty Products Marketed to Black Women Have a Higher Chance to Be Toxic: Report

One out of every 12 beauty products marketed to Black women in the U.S. contains highly hazardous ingredients, according to a new report.

When High Heels Hurt, Try These ‘Pillows’ for Your Feet

Anyone who has ever worn high heels knows that tingly ball-of-foot pain that happens after a few hours. That pain can ruin your night...

4 Ways to Ease the Pain of High Heels

Heels may look beautiful, but they are incredibly painful and can even be bad for your health. And the higher the heels, the bigger the impact.

Breast Reduction Surgeries on the Rise: Report

The culture has shifted when it comes to breast augmentation surgery — now bigger is out and smaller is in.

Study Finds Parents Are Teaching Kids the Wrong Things About Screen Time

A study led by Common Sense Media found that parents spend more than nine hours a day with screen media.

‘Drinking Gene’ Could Determine Why Some People Binge

There could be a reason why some people are binge drinkers, while others drink in moderation: A gene separates the two types, according to a new study.

How Smartphone ‘Phubbing’ Is Destroying Relationships

Your smartphone could be to blame if your relationship has gone off the rails, according to a new study.

White Wine May Increase Your Risk of Melanoma

Pairing your dinner with a glass of white wine could increase your risk of melanoma, the most serious type of skin cancer, a new study suggests.

Three-Person Babies May Become a Reality in the UK

Three-person IVF works by replacing the defective power generator in the mother’s egg, known as mitochondria, with healthy ones from a donor woman.

Marijuana Use Could Increase Alzheimer’s Risk: Study

Researchers found a significant reduction of blood flow to the hippocampus, a region of the brain associated with creating and storing new memories.

Tobacco Giant Philip Morris Could Phase Out Traditional Cigarettes

Tobacco giant Philip Morris may eventually phase out selling conventional cigarettes, and a new cigarette alternative could play a role in the transition.

Artificial Intelligence Could Prevent Accidental Selfie Deaths

Computer experts have analyzed selfie deaths and may have a solution — an app that could warn people if they were in a death-by-selfie zone.

Molecules on Your Phone Reveal Intimate Details About Your Life

Researchers were able to determine everything from the sex of a person, whether or not they struggled with depression, and what allergies they had.

A Healthy Lifestyle Can Overcome Genetic Heart Disease Risk

When it comes to heart attacks, living a healthy lifestyle could trump heredity for those prone to heart disease, a study shows.

Choosing the Right Community Could Help You Live Longer

Where you live very well could affect how long you live, a new study suggests.

Lost That Loving Feeling? Low Oxytocin Levels Could Be to Blame

Research reveals that people with low levels of oxytocin, sometimes due to medical conditions, perform poorly on empathy exercises.

Cigarette Smoke Can Permanently Damage Your DNA

Smoking may have a longer, more harmful impact on your health than previously thought. In fact, it can permanently damage a person’s DNA.

Using Facebook May Increase Life Expectancy

Did you friend someone today? Studies now show that using Facebook could add years to your life.

7 States Legalize Marijuana on Election Day

From coast to coast, the people of America have spoken, and it’s unanimous — they want their weed.

Real or Fake? Facebook Zika Headlines Put to the Test

The most popular Facebook posts are sometimes the least accurate, including recent stories about the Zika virus, a new study shows.

The Song That Reduces Stress by 65 Percent

Feeling stressed out and don’t know what to do? Here's a song that can reduce stress levels by 65 percent, every time you listen to it.

Side Effects Sideline Promising Male Birth Control Shot

A new male contraceptive method has proven highly effective at reducing pregnancy in female partners, yet consumers may not find it on the market for awhile.

Screen Time at Bedtime Is Keeping Kids Awake

Letting your child fall asleep to their favorite show may be the easiest way to get them to bed, but it could also be the worst way.

Women Are Closing the Alcohol Gender Gap

Women have nearly caught pace with men when it comes to rates of alcohol consumption, a trend that might have an impact on the health of the population.

E-Cigs Could Help People Lose Weight, Despite Other Health Risks

For smokers who are looking to quit, but are afraid of the weight gain that comes along with dropping a tobacco habit, there could be an easier way.

Top 5 U.S. Cities for Active, Healthy Lifestyles

Several factors, like rates of exercise and smoking, were assessed to rank the best U.S. cities for healthy lifestyles.


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