Beauty Products Marketed to Black Women Have a Higher Chance to Be Toxic: Report
One out of every 12 beauty products marketed to Black women in the U.S. contains highly hazardous ingredients, according to a new report.
The Song That Reduces Stress by 65 Percent
Feeling stressed out and don’t know what to do? Here's a song that can reduce stress levels by 65 percent, every time you listen to it.
Sitting Too Much Can Speed up the Aging Process
When the association between exercise and sedentary behavior was explored, it showed that swapping sitting time with even light activity had great positive long term effects on one's health.
Three-Person Babies May Become a Reality in the UK
Three-person IVF works by replacing the defective power generator in the mother’s egg, known as mitochondria, with healthy ones from a donor woman.
Top 5 U.S. Cities for Active, Healthy Lifestyles
Several factors, like rates of exercise and smoking, were assessed to rank the best U.S. cities for healthy lifestyles.
At-Home Wrinkle Treatment Could Help People Too Busy for Injections
Don't have the time to visit a doctor for injectable fillers? WrinkleMD is an at-home device that works to do away with your fine lines and wrinkles.
3 Myths About Healthy Eating From ‘The Plant Paradox’ by Dr. Steven R. Gundry
Dr. Steven Gundry's new book, "The Plant Paradox," aims to challenge your idea of 'healthy' foods and offer better alternatives for reshaping your diet to focus on gut health.
Miss or Must-Have? Rank These Health Innovations
Vital Updates scours the web daily for innovative health products. Cast your vote to let us know which ones you think are the most interesting.
Your Laundry Is Probably a Lot Grosser Than You Think
Your laundered clothes may not be as fresh as you think — especially if you share your washing machine with a housemate.
Here’s Why You Need to Ditch Your Desk and Walk for 5 Minutes
A study shows that even short breaks of physical activity every hour can help you get through your day easier.
What You Need to Know About Magnetic Eyelashes
The magnetic lash trend is blowing up, which means poor quality knockoffs are abound.
Sibling Rivalry: Are First-Born Children Smarter?
Researchers found that parents of multiple children routinely alter their treatment of non-first born children, which affects their IQ and perhaps even personality traits.
Biotin: This Vitamin Could Be the Secret to Healthier Hair
When a healthy diet can’t provide all you need to fight dull, listless or weak and thinning tresses, consider adding a biotin supplementation into your daily routine.
Why You May Want to Drink Water Before Coffee in the Morning
Not only will you quench your body’s thirst, but you'll also give your digestion and metabolism a boost.
Bathroom Hand-Dryers Actually Spew Fecal Matter Into the Air
Bathroom hand-dryers aren’t only expelling hot air...
Poor Sleep Habits Might Make Losing Weight More Difficult
A study found that normal sleeping habits carried the power to make or break a person’s success in losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight, regardless of the person’s nutrition or exercise habits.
Eating While Standing Could Make You Gain Weight
Researchers discovered that people who eat while standing up eat about thirty percent more calories than if they had been sitting down, which, with repetition, could cause weight gain.
Scrub Away Cellulite With Coffee Grounds?
Scrubs made with coffee grounds can give your skin an extra boost from the antioxidants, and the caffeine can tighten the skin.
Try These 6 Tricks to Kickstart Your Metabolism
Feeling like you’ve hit a plateau in your weight loss journey? Try these metabolism boosting tricks to help get you closer to your pound-shedding goals.
Technology May Be Moving Faster Than Our Brains Can Handle
Read about the mental disorders that have arisen specifically from technology and Internet usage.
4 Tips to Keep Off the Weight You Worked So Hard to Lose
Keeping the weight you've worked so hard to lose from coming back is possible with these diet and exercise tips.
Something Interesting Happens to Our Brains While We Sleep
Scientists believe that brain synapses shrink during sleep and expand when activated during one’s waking hours, and such expansion is a marker for learning and memory.
Could Drinking Just One High-Fat Milkshake Mimic Heart Disease?
A small study of healthy males found that eating a 1,000-calorie milkshake led to a troubling change among the men’s red blood cells.
7 Foods to Boost Your Sex Drive
Need a little boost in the bedroom? Try some or all of these libido-enhancing foods.
America’s Fattest Cities Are All in One Part of the Country
Except for one city, most of the top 20 fattest American cities are all in the South.
Can Dancing Make You Happier and Healthier?
Dancing does a lot more for your health than you may realize.
Obesity May Erase Taste Buds
The new findings suggest there may be an underlying physical mechanism, similar to addiction traits among substance abuse, contributing to the national weight trends.
Experts Warn Flip-Flops Can Cause Problems for Feet
Flip-flops are a flop when it comes to providing adequate protection and support.
This Popular 1980s Video Game Could Prevent PTSD
Typically, people are treated for PTSD after symptoms start to emerge, but this study was the first to focus on therapeutic intervention before their onset.
Long-Term Breastfeeding May Reduce Mother’s Risk of Multiple Sclerosis
The link between breastfeeding and lower MS risk showed to be strongest for women who breastfeed for 15 months or more.
Running May Increase Life Expectancy
New research shows that every hour you run could extend your life by seven hours.
These 5 Fashion Trends Are Hurting Women’s Bodies
From wearing constricting clothing to carrying a heavy purse, women should rethink these fashion trends for the sake of their health.
Study Finds Fathers Play a Role in Determining the Sex of Their Children
A father has more to do with the sex of his offspring than you might think.
Looking at Certain Body Parts Reveals the Type of Relationship We Desire
New research reveals why we tend to focus on certain parts of the body when looking at different people.
Children Without Fathers Are Likelier to Be Stressed
A study found that fatherless children are more likely to have shorter telomeres, a part of DNA that’s linked to stress and disease.
Daily Coffee Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Says Study
Coffee contains an abundance of micronutrients and antioxidants, and researchers discovered in animal trials that one compound in particular helps the body regulate fasting glucose levels
Do Women Tire of the Same Sexual Partner More Than Men?
A new study found that women become bored of the same sexual partner after one year.
Fructan Carbs, Not Gluten, May Actually Be the Cause of Gut Issues
Perhaps gluten has been miscast as the culprit the whole time.
Are Your Taste Buds Dulled? You May Be Prone to Obesity
A new study found that participants with compromised taste receptors sought out more sugar.
Study Sheds Light on How Social Media Affects Real Social Situations
The long-term study used data from the Longitudinal Study of American Youth, a national sample of 2,774 individuals over a three year period.
One in Three Cases of Dementia Are Preventable: Report
Dementia is a mental disorder that affects aging populations, but the factors begin in early childhood, according to a new report. Published in The...
Why Do We Lean to the Right When We Kiss?
The study suggests that couples instinctively try to avoid discomfort when kissing.
Why Your DNA May Be Sabotaging Your Diet
The researchers tested five types of diets on mice, dividing the animals into four groups based on similarities in DNA.
Dirty Makeup Brushes Can Give You a Serious Infection
How often do you clean your makeup brushes? One woman learned the importance of such a task the hard way.
Using Cleaning Products at Home as Harmful as Long-Term Smoking
The negative results were found among professional cleaners as well as those who cleaned around the house.
Are Men With Beards More Attractive to Women?
Men who are ready to settle down may want to leave the shaving cream and razor beneath the sink.
Buying Guide: Our Top 3 Supplements For Thicker, Gorgeous Hair
We all want thicker, more luminous hair and strong nails. And there are hundreds of products available promising luscious hair and nails so strong...
Researchers Study How Fat Content Affects Ice Cream Taste
It turns out that people can't tell the difference between low-fat and high-fat ice cream.
Sperm Counts Are Drastically Dropping Across Western Nations
Over the past thirty years, total sperm count among men in Western countries has declined nearly 60 percent, and sperm concentration has dropped by more than 52 percent.
Smart Labels Could Tell You When to Throw Out Food
Scientists at Clarkson University in New York have created a smart label that detects whether a product, from food to makeup, is no longer viable for consumers.