
Sitting Too Much Can Speed up the Aging Process

When the association between exercise and sedentary behavior was explored, it showed that swapping sitting time with even light activity had great positive long term effects on one's health.

Top 5 U.S. Cities for Active, Healthy Lifestyles

Several factors, like rates of exercise and smoking, were assessed to rank the best U.S. cities for healthy lifestyles.

Stop Blaming Your Joint Pain on the Weather

It's been long-believed that the weather influences joint pain, but new research puts this theory to rest once and for all.

Caffeine May Prevent Age-Related Inflammation

Whether you prefer coffee, tea or even chocolate, regularly consuming caffeine has been found to procure health benefits, like combatting inflammation as we get older.

Testing Your Tears Could Reveal What Vitamins You Need

Tears could be an alternate source of diagnostic fluid for assessing nutritional deficiencies, and studies show that people with these deficiencies blink more.

New Guidelines Make It Easier for Pregnant Women to Eat Fish

The new guidelines will make it easier for pregnant women to make informed choices about consuming fish.

At-Home Wrinkle Treatment Could Help People Too Busy for Injections

Don't have the time to visit a doctor for injectable fillers? WrinkleMD is an at-home device that works to do away with your fine lines and wrinkles.

3 Myths About Healthy Eating From ‘The Plant Paradox’ by Dr. Steven R. Gundry

Dr. Steven Gundry's new book, "The Plant Paradox," aims to challenge your idea of 'healthy' foods and offer better alternatives for reshaping your diet to focus on gut health.

Miss or Must-Have? Rank These Health Innovations

Vital Updates scours the web daily for innovative health products. Cast your vote to let us know which ones you think are the most interesting.

Your Laundry Is Probably a Lot Grosser Than You Think

Your laundered clothes may not be as fresh as you think — especially if you share your washing machine with a housemate.

‘Mountain Dew Mouth’ May Rot Your Teeth Like Doing Meth

This condition may make you think twice before raising a can of soda to your lips.

How One Woman’s Pain Inspired This Innovative Massage Tool

After studying her own body's chronic pain, Ashley Black was inspired to invent a massage tool that targets the tight fascia areas of the body and also works to diminish cellulite.

This Song Was Especially Designed to Make Babies Happy

The "Happy Song" was expertly engineered to make babies feel joyful and happy.

Here’s Why You Need to Ditch Your Desk and Walk for 5 Minutes

A study shows that even short breaks of physical activity every hour can help you get through your day easier.

What You Need to Know About Magnetic Eyelashes

The magnetic lash trend is blowing up, which means poor quality knockoffs are abound.

4 Beneficial Foods for Breastfeeding

Here are four superfoods that breastfeeding moms may want to add to their diet.

Probiotic ‘Milk Test’ Could Reveal Effectiveness

There’s a test you can do at home to see if your probiotics are actually working — all you need is a glass of milk.

Prebiotics May Improve Sleep and Relieve Stress: Study

A new study shows that consumption of prebiotics — found in foods like, asparagus, oatmeal and legumes — can help good gut bacteria and promote better sleep patterns after a stressful event.

Sibling Rivalry: Are First-Born Children Smarter?

Researchers found that parents of multiple children routinely alter their treatment of non-first born children, which affects their IQ and perhaps even personality traits.

Biotin: This Vitamin Could Be the Secret to Healthier Hair

When a healthy diet can’t provide all you need to fight dull, listless or weak and thinning tresses, consider adding a biotin supplementation into your daily routine.

Why You May Want to Drink Water Before Coffee in the Morning

Not only will you quench your body’s thirst, but you'll also give your digestion and metabolism a boost.

Children Are Burning Their Eyes by Playing with Laundry Pods

Some children who ingested the pods also experienced profuse vomiting, trouble breathing, and a few even died.

Try These 5 Natural Cough Remedies

There's no need to leave the house to treat a persistent cough, so long as you've got these commonly found remedies around.

Bathroom Hand-Dryers Actually Spew Fecal Matter Into the Air

Bathroom hand-dryers aren’t only expelling hot air...

MDMA Moves Closer to Being PTSD Treatment

Researchers want to flip the narrative on MDMA and put its psychological-soothing properties to good use in the fight against traumatic stress.

Vegetable Oils May Cause Fatigue, Migraines and Dementia

Plaque buildup is a known precursor to serious neurodegenerative diseases, and while other oils carry this trait, vegetable oil is the type with which it's most prevalent.

Toilet Seat Covers May Not Protect Against Bathroom Bacteria

Toilet seat covers may promote cleanliness by encouraging people to sit down instead of squat, but they may not be any better at serving as a protective barrier than your own skin.

Fewer Americans Under 70 Are Losing Their Hearing: Report

A new study shows that hearing loss among adults ages 20 to 69 years continues to decline.

Free Soda Refills Are Now Illegal in France

France's recent law prohibiting free refills of sugary sodas aims is in response to the rising rate of obesity there.

Scrub Away Cellulite With Coffee Grounds?

Scrubs made with coffee grounds can give your skin an extra boost from the antioxidants, and the caffeine can tighten the skin.

What’s That? Lack Of Iron May Be Associated With Hearing Loss

The link between iron levels and hearing loss is a strong indicator for treating and avoiding auditory impairments.

Exercise May Reduce Risk of Relapse for Breast Cancer Survivors

A recent study shows that exercise and weight gain play large roles in the health of breast cancer survivors when it comes to relapsing.

Hold the Paper: Fast-Food Wrappers Contain Harmful Chemicals

The substances have been tied to severe health problems, such as testicular and kidney cancer, and scientists warn that chemicals in fast-food wrappers may “leach” onto the food products.

Technology May Be Moving Faster Than Our Brains Can Handle

Read about the mental disorders that have arisen specifically from technology and Internet usage.

Cold Weather May ‘Kickstart’ Flu Epidemics Each Year

Researchers found cold weather helps airborne particles containing liquid and virus — like from a sneeze — spread easily and quickly over larger distances.

6 Ways to Remedy Your Sugar Addiction

Here are six steps you can take towards curbing a sugar addiction.

Ginger: The Superfood You’re Probably Not Eating Enough

Ginger root's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties make it a super food that you can easily incorporate into your diet through these seven delicious recipes.

5 Foods to Boost Your Immune System

Before reaching for that supplement bottle, consider eating more of these five delicious foods to boost your immunity and fight disease.

These Herbs and Vegetables May Prevent Breast Cancer From Spreading

The study results showed that breast cancer cells were subdued, and even killed, when treated with luteonin, a compound found in certain herbs and vegetables.

Creatine May Cause Muscle Deformity in Young Users: Study

The popular sports supplement creatine may be unsafe for minors.

Living Near Highways May Increase Dementia Risk

Here's how much your chance for developing dementia increases just by living near a busy road or highway.

‘Adult Swaddling’ — The New Health Fad Bringing Stress Relief to New Moms

Japan's latest health trend is for mothers experiencing post-labor pain or anxiety.

Something Interesting Happens to Our Brains While We Sleep

Scientists believe that brain synapses shrink during sleep and expand when activated during one’s waking hours, and such expansion is a marker for learning and memory.

Transcendental Meditation Proves Effective for Veterans With PTSD

The study found that after one month of meditation therapy, 80 percent of the veterans saw a drastic enough reduction of symptoms that they were no longer considered to have PTSD.

Could Drinking Just One High-Fat Milkshake Mimic Heart Disease?

A small study of healthy males found that eating a 1,000-calorie milkshake led to a troubling change among the men’s red blood cells.

Using Your Phone Is Actually Disrupting Your Workout

Being on your phone while exercising not only distracts you from the workout at hand, but also compromises your posture and the intensity of your routine.

This Doctor Just Created a Slimming Chocolate

After developing a variety of supplements that help to better your body from the inside out, Dr. Amy Lee and the Nucific brand are combining two ideas that are usually an oxymoron: slimming and chocolate.

7 Foods to Boost Your Sex Drive

Need a little boost in the bedroom? Try some or all of these libido-enhancing foods.

Clinical Trials for Type 1 Diabetes Vaccine Coming Soon 

The vaccine centers around previous research that has identified a common type of virus, called an enterovirus, as a cause of type 1 diabetes.

Probiotic Cream Made From Body’s Own Bacteria May Cure Eczema

This “natural antibiotic” is superior to pharmaceutical approaches because it doesn’t kill the protective, beneficial bacteria on the skin.


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