
These Are the Best and Worst Social Media Apps for Mental Health

A report in the UK looked at how social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and Snapchat made people feel.

Swimming Lessons May Help Babies Stand Sooner

The typical timeline that babies learn to stand occurs around 9 to 12 months of age, but babies given swimming lessons in a study could stand at just 4 months old.

Summer Pregnancies May Have Higher Risk for Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes, a form of high blood sugar that affects pregnant women, puts women who develop the condition at risk for Type 2 diabetes

Buying Guide: Our Top 3 Supplements For Thicker, Gorgeous Hair

We all want thicker, more luminous hair and strong nails. And there are hundreds of products available promising luscious hair and nails so strong...

Better Sleep May Lead to Better Sex

The next time you think about passing on sex because you’re too tired, you may want to reconsider. A new study shows sex and sleep go hand in hand.

Breast Cancer Risk Increases With Alcohol Consumption: Report

Breast cancer is the fifth most common cause of death from cancer in women, and the risk grows the more someone drinks alcohol, a new report found.

Dirty Money: Cash Has More Disease-Causing Bacteria Than You Think

Dirty money often refers to money obtained illegally, but it turns out that it can be taken far more literally.

Biotin: This Vitamin Could Be the Secret to Healthier Hair

When a healthy diet can’t provide all you need to fight dull, listless or weak and thinning tresses, consider adding a biotin supplementation into your daily routine.

Think Twice Before Swimming In a Public Pool This Summer

Multiple studies involving aquatic facilities across the U.S. found incidence of people falling ill from exposure to bacteria that lingers even in pools that are chemically treated.

Check Your Sunscreen for These Harmful Ingredients

Don't simply be swayed by that high SPF rating when choosing a sunscreen.

Obese but Healthy? New Research Calls It a Myth

A new study found that obese individuals have double the risk of heart failure and a 50 percent heightened risk of coronary heart disease.

Scrub Away Cellulite With Coffee Grounds?

Scrubs made with coffee grounds can give your skin an extra boost from the antioxidants, and the caffeine can tighten the skin.

These Foods Can Naturally Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage

You’re probably used to applying sunscreen, but you can also protect your skin naturally through your diet.

How to Remedy Constant Workplace Snacking

Is your office culture causing you to mindlessly snack throughout the day and pack on the pounds as a result?

Plastic Surgery Goes Green With ‘Fat Recycling’

Hair is used to make wigs and old clothes are donated, so what can be done with fat taken out of people's bodies?

Are Men With Beards More Attractive to Women?

Men who are ready to settle down may want to leave the shaving cream and razor beneath the sink.

Can a Two Week Vacation Ruin Your Health?

A person may exercise daily, eat healthy foods, and maintain an active lifestyle, but just two short weeks can change everything.

Segregated Neighborhoods Increase Heart Attack Risk for Black Americans: Study

These findings are extra relevant because African Americans already are at greater risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack.

How to Treat the Sexual Disorder That Affects Women of All Ages

It's a condition thats prevalent among women of all ages.

Gluten-Free Foods Might Cause Weight Gain

Many gluten-free products found in grocery stores often contain higher levels of fats than their gluten counterparts.

Why Women Apologize So Much and How to Stop

Why are women serial apologizers, and how do we stop saying 'sorry' for unnecessary offenses?

10 Sex Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

Read about why people prefer coffee over sex, and other surprising sex facts.

People Who Mix Energy Drinks With Alcohol Act More Drunk

In a study, perceived levels of intoxication increased by 51 percent among participants given a drink also labeled as an energy drink.

Smoking While Pregnant May Not Cause Mental Illness

When the researchers considered other factors that could have contributed to mental illness, the connection between smoking and severe mental illness was no longer strong.

These 5 Fashion Trends Are Hurting Women’s Bodies

From wearing constricting clothing to carrying a heavy purse, women should rethink these fashion trends for the sake of their health.

10 Alternate Birth Control Devices and Methods

Can't remember to take the pill everyday? Here's an overview of alternate birth control devices and methods that may work better for you.

Simple Steps Women of All Ages Can Do to Take Care of Their Health

From age 20 to 60 and beyond, here are specific health tips that women should stay on top of as they age.

Deadly Bacteria Could Be Lurking in Your Beauty Products

How often do you replace your skin care and makeup products? Here's why you should stick to the expiration dates and avoid using testers in stores.

Pet Dogs Help Children Feel Less Stressed

You may want to think twice the next time you send your pooch to the doghouse.

Grandparents Could Be Putting Children’s Health at Risk

A survey of grandparents found that many who help raise their grandchildren aren't up to speed on modern child-rearing practices when it comes to safety standards.

Marijuana May Reverse Brain Aging, Boost Memory: Study

Researchers discovered that regular administration of THC among mice led to a significant reversal in the natural aging process of the brain.

Alternate-Day Fasting May Have Same Results as Counting Calories

Researchers found that alternate-day fasting didn’t make that much of a difference in weight loss compared to people who counted calories.

Plate Color May Influence How Much You Eat

It turns out that certain plate colors have an impact on our perception of food.

Children Learn Equally From Reading Digital and Print Books

Although in a computerized format, digital books show no advantage compared to print books when it comes to children learning from them.

Meditation Could Help Anxiety Sufferers Improve Their Focus

A study found that incorporating just 10 minutes of meditation into one's daily routine could help to greatly reduce wandering thoughts and improve focus.

Child Development May Depend on Age of Father at Conception

While the scientists were focused on the ages of the fathers, the children’s social skills were affected for children with both younger and older fathers.

Bullying Tied to Spike in Cosmetic Surgery

The researchers believe the new study holds public health ramifications beyond just the increasing number of teens who go under the knife.

Lefties Are More Likely to Have This Face Shape and Tuberculosis Risk

The association between face shape and tuberculosis susceptibility could be a genetic modification finding its roots in the genes that determine left-handedness, the study said.

Why Babies Naturally Have Racial Bias and How to Prevent It

Babies aren't born racist, but a new study reveals their bias towards people of their own race as early as six months of age.

At-Home Blood Pressure Monitoring Devices Are Often Inaccurate

A study found that home-monitoring systems often failed to record an accurate measurement of blood pressure, which could lead physicians to mistakenly believe a patient’s numbers are better than they appear.

How to Achieve the 10-Step Korean Skincare Routine

While it may sound daunting, a 10-step Korean skincare routine is doable with the right knowledge and products.

Standardized Cigarette Packaging Could Help Put an End to Smoking

Plainer packaging with upfront warnings has been found to be unappealing to customers.

Stairs Are the New Coffee Break at Work

Feeling that afternoon slump at work? Here's why you may want to put down the coffee and hit the stairs.

Binge Drinking Leads to Dangerous Heart Arrhythmias

German researchers gathered data from 3,000 people at Oktoberfest to study the effects of binge drinking on the heart.

Robot Joins Classroom as Teacher for Autistic Children

Learning social skills from a robot may seem odd, but for children with autism, it can provide a unique experience that is more predictable and engaging.

3 Myths About Healthy Eating From ‘The Plant Paradox’ by Dr. Steven R. Gundry

Dr. Steven Gundry's new book, "The Plant Paradox," aims to challenge your idea of 'healthy' foods and offer better alternatives for reshaping your diet to focus on gut health.

New Documentary Shows Benefits of Golf for Autistic Children

The documentary, called "Voices From the Outside," showcases how one organization is helping teach autistic children life skills through professional golf lessons.

Social Media Makes Running More Contagious

A new study found that when people see social media posts of their friends running longer distances, running more becomes contagious.

5 Simple Remedies to Cure Uncomfortable Constipation

Almost everyone has experienced the uncomfortable symptoms of constipation. Here are five remedies to alleviate this condition.

Light Pollution May Be Disrupting How Your Body Functions

A study from Ohio State University found that exposure to light at night not only promotes sleeplessness, but also disrupts immune and endocrine function.


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