
Nanogenerator Draws Power From the Body to Charge Devices

Charging the battery of your phone or wearable device may someday be as simple as wiggling your finger...

Drug Therapy Suppresses Inflammation to Reduce Heart Risk

The researchers tested several different doses of a powerful anti-inflammatory drug on a group of about 10,000 study participants, with the doses ranging from low to medium to high.

What You Need to Know About Magnetic Eyelashes

The magnetic lash trend is blowing up, which means poor quality knockoffs are abound.

Cancer Treatment May Be Revolutionized Through Personalized Vaccines

Vaccines built around a person’s own DNA have proven effective at beating back cancer, two studies show. While the studies are small and the results,...

Scientists Brew Probiotic Beer That’s Actually Good for You

The beer can neutralize toxins and viruses and even help to keep the immune system in check.

Computer-Based Therapy Helps College Students Drink Less

For college students who routinely go on binge drinking sprees, a new computerized interface may help curb the dangerous behavior. Researchers from Brown University School...

Chronic Pain Can Stop, Study Says

A new animal study shows how chronic pain starts and where it can end.

Flu Vaccine Patch Kicks Painful Needles to the Curb

The patch can also be stored safely for a year without refrigeration, offering a vital option for health care in the developing world.

Antioxidant in Broccoli Holds Promise as Diabetes Treatment

The new study adds compelling evidence that the extract can combat the growing rates of diabetes worldwide.

Researchers Aim to Create Painless Way to Screen Breast Cancer

This new treatment adds lasers to the mix, using a combination of laser and ultrasound technology to determine the presence or absence of cancer cells in the breast tissue.

Drones to the Rescue: Flying Defibrillators Reach People Faster Than Ambulances

Swedish researchers found that attaching defibrillators to high-tech drones shaved off an average of 16 minutes for response times, a difference that can mean life or death for heart attack patients.

New Blood Test Aims to Detect Cancer Sooner Than Ever

By zeroing in on miniscule amounts of DNA, researchers believe they can catch cancer early and save countless lives.

This Antioxidant May Be the Next Big Thing in Skin Care

Researchers may have discovered a powerful new way to invigorate aging skin.

Scrub Away Cellulite With Coffee Grounds?

Scrubs made with coffee grounds can give your skin an extra boost from the antioxidants, and the caffeine can tighten the skin.


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