Computer-Based Therapy Helps College Students Drink Less

For college students who routinely go on binge drinking sprees, a new computerized interface may help curb the dangerous behavior. Researchers from Brown University School...

Memory Implants? New Research Could Make Them Possible

Successful tests on rodents showing the possibility of implanting memories are paving the way for the first memory implants for humans, which could help people overcome memory-deficit disorders.

New Facial Recognition Technology Can Detect Rare Disease

Diagnosing a rare disease in children called DiGeorge syndrome may be as simple as taking a photo with new facial recognition software.

Sweat Patch Could Help People Track Their Health

The answer to tracking your health could be in your sweat. Scientists have created a skin patch that is capable of collecting and analyzing sweat.

Swallowing Balloon Capsules May Help Shed Double The Weight

The Obalon balloon system is a new treatment that is slated to hit the market in January. It involves swallowing gas-filled balloon capsules in order to help curb overeating.

This Doctor Just Created a Slimming Chocolate

After developing a variety of supplements that help to better your body from the inside out, Dr. Amy Lee and the Nucific brand are combining two ideas that are usually an oxymoron: slimming and chocolate.

Smartphone App Claims to Accurately Test Male Fertility

The fertility analyzer uses an “optical attachment” that plugs into a smartphone and a one-use device to collect a semen sample.

USB Stick Doubles as HIV Test

British scientists have developed an HIV test on a USB stick, which quickly and accurately measures the levels of the virus in a person’s blood.

Wearable Device Allows Expectant Mothers to Track Contractions

This technology will provide much needed insight and data during a woman's pregnancy.

11-Year-Old Girl Invents Her Own Glittery Prosthetics

Jordan Reeves' limb difference isn't slowing her down; she's embracing her unique condition by raising awareness for other children with limb differences and even designing her own 3D prosthetics.

Scientists Create First Human-Pig Hybrid in Breakthrough Study

The research could one day lead to the growth of human organs inside animals for transplant use.

‘Automated Dermatologist’ May Detect Skin Cancer With Same Accuracy as Real Doctors

The research team developed a deep learning computer system — or an algorithm-based technique — that could identify skin cancer at just a glance.

Could a Nasal Spray Help Treat Gambling Addiction?

For those who suffer from a gambling addiction, the National Institute for Health and Welfare in Finland is working on a treatment.

This Wearable Patch Detects Sleep Apnea

Read about the innovative new wearable that can diagnose sleep apnea as well as traditional methods.

New Technology Deciphers Thoughts of Paralyzed People Who Can’t Speak

By measuring a person’s electrical activity in the brain, the brain-computer interface allowed patients to communicate in response to simple questions.

Parkinson’s Disease May Not Start With the Brain

The discovery of a protein in the gut provides a previously unrecognized origin of where changes to the same protein in the brain could happen.

Virtual Reality May Soon Help Autistic Children in Classrooms

Virtual reality is being examined as a possible teaching aid for the classroom because it can provide a way for those with autism to cope with being in stressful situations.

Wireless Router Senses How You Walk and How Healthy You Are

The device, called WiGait, can monitor and track a person's walking speed and movement without the need for a wearable.

IntelliRoll: The Foam Roller With Curve Appeal

You don't have to be an athlete to use this innovative foam roller. Its unique curves can hit the contours of your body that traditional foam rollers can't reach.

New C-Section App May Shorten Hospital Stays for New Mothers

The helpful and cost-effective app was designed with the goal of empowering and informing women who are scheduled to undergo a C-section.

Scientists Create Sensor That Can Track What You Eat

Could this technology be the key to easier dieting?

Arthritis Vaccine Could Emerge From Stem Cell Technology

The autoregulation that the stem cells can provide has the possibility to help treat diseases early, before symptoms become serious health issues, the study said.

This Innovative Pillow May Prevent Sleep Wrinkles

The pillow's design reinforces good sleeping habits, not wrinkles.

iPad Game May Help Prevent Dementia

The interactive game was enjoyable among the study participants, something that is vital to successful cognitive training.

Empathy Device Allows You to Move Another Person’s Hand with Your Emotions

The involuntary hand gestures occurred as the result of a mood change in the person on the other end of the device.

New Brain-Scanning Device Can Detect Bleeding After Trauma

The new head-scanning device can detect brain bleeding with 97 percent accuracy.

Flavored Spray Could Help Kids to Swallow Pills

Not being able to swallow pills can potentially stop kids from taking life-saving medicine. A sweet flavored spray could be the answer.

Gene-Editing Injection Could Permanently Lower Cholesterol Levels

Although human trials are still decades away, the CRISPR gene-editing technique shows promising results when lowering cholesterol permanently in animal trials.

Researchers Are Developing Contact Lenses that Can Detect Disease

With bio-sensing contact lenses that can assess blood glucose levels, the researchers hope to improve health outcomes by replacing older, painful methods of diabetes monitoring.

Virtual Reality Creates 3D View of Babies in the Womb

For parents who want to know more about what their unborn child does in the womb, a new technology could help that desire become a reality.

Researchers Are Developing Machines to Smell How Healthy You Are

Researchers believe scent-based technology holds vast promise in improving health outcomes due to the possibility of early detection.

WATCH: This New Robotic Hand Has a Human Touch

A group of scientists from Cornell University may have devised a way for a robot to feel its surroundings internally, similar to the way humans do.

This Sleep Mask Wakes You Up With a Sunrise

The illumy sleep mask uses natural light to both lull you to sleep and wake you up.

Drones to the Rescue: Flying Defibrillators Reach People Faster Than Ambulances

Swedish researchers found that attaching defibrillators to high-tech drones shaved off an average of 16 minutes for response times, a difference that can mean life or death for heart attack patients.

Glass Batteries Could Soon Power Our Devices

The man who helped to invent the lithium-ion battery has now introduced a more efficient, fast-charging glass battery that could soon make its way to market.

His and Her Genes Reveal Key Differences in Our Bodies

The researchers noticed marked differences among some genes based solely on whether the genes were in a man or woman’s body.

Can Virtual Reality ‘Diet Goggles’ Help You Lose Weight?

The goggles can reduce appetite, make low-fat foods taste delicious and even trick our brains into thinking we’re eating more than we actually are.

Scientists Can Now See Cancer ‘Glowing’ Within the Body

This research could literally shed light on how cancer moves in the body.

Stevia May Be the Cure for Lyme Disease

Stevia leaf extract was shown to treat the tick-borne disease better than traditional antibiotics.

This Bionic Leaf Has the Potential to End World Hunger

Just like how fertilizer may have been the main factor in preventing a worldwide food crisis in the 20th century, now a ‘bionic’ leaf holds the same potential for our global future.

Do Sea Anemones Hold the Key to Generating Human Heart Cells?

Sea anemones, although without an actual heart, do contain “heart genes” that researchers have found to be identical to human heart genes.

This Fish May Teach Humans How to Regenerate Eye Cells

Studying the ability of the zebrafish to regenerate eye cells may lead to new treatments for people with vision loss.

Gene-Therapy Used to Cure Boy of Sickle Cell Disease

French researchers have cured a 15-year-old boy of sickle cell disease by interfering with the production of faulty hemoglobin.

This Antioxidant May Be the Next Big Thing in Skin Care

Researchers may have discovered a powerful new way to invigorate aging skin.

Emotionally-Aware Robots May Soon Be Caring for Grandma and Grandpa

While they will not be replacing human caregivers, scientists are hoping that these robots will soon be able to assist seniors with everyday tasks like taking medication and offering companionship.

Beauty Mirrors Have Officially Entered the Tech Age

The Hi Mirror is a high-tech beauty mirror that analyzes skin conditions and determines and personalizes at-home treatments and products.

Injections, Implants Could Be Next Step in Battle Against HIV

Scientists are ramping up their battle against HIV with upcoming large-scale trials using injections and implants to protect vulnerable groups.

Cancer-Fighting Cap Nearly Doubles the Survival Rate for Brain Cancer

The cap, called Optune, can be worn while patients go about their daily tasks and works by sending alternating frequencies to the brain.

Squirrels’ Long Slumber May Hold the Key to Stroke Treatment

Squirrels may be a surprising source of potential life-saving stroke therapy.

Sweet Science: Cotton Candy Machines Create Human Cells this video? Subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking here. Cotton candy machines are best known for spinning threads of brightly colored sugar, but biological...


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