No Cuts About It: Non-Surgical Weight Loss Procedure Shows Results

Similar to a gastric bypass procedure, the new 'accordion procedure' works to decrease the size of the stomach but without the cuts and scars that come with invasive surgery.

Lab-Grown Cartilage May Bring Relief to Osteoarthritis Sufferers

With a cellular structure similar to that of natural cartilage, the bioengineered material features exceptional durability for lab-grown tissue.

These Silver-Infused Sheets May Fight Bacteria While You Sleep

Silvon bed sheets are the high-tech, yet cozy solution to preventing bacteria from building up in bed and prolonging the amount of time between washes.

New Blood Test Aims to Detect Autism Sooner

Scientists from the UK hope the test will not only help to detect autism spectrum disorder sooner, but also to reveal new causes.

3D-Printed Blood Vessels Successfully Implanted Into Monkeys

3D printing technology for medical purposes is still in its infancy, but its utilization for blood vessels looks promising.

Scientists Can Now See Cancer ‘Glowing’ Within the Body

This research could literally shed light on how cancer moves in the body.

Inexpensive Drug for Bleeding After Childbirth Proves to Saves Lives

In studying ways to reduce maternal mortality from childbirth hemorrhaging, a group of researchers revisited tranexamic acid, a drug invented in the 1960s by a Japanese woman.

Nutritious Elixir Helps Women Run and Bike Faster: Study

Physically active women who took a monthly supplement containing essential minerals sliced nearly a minute off a three-mile run – and gained other aerobic...

Miss or Must-Have? Rank These Health Innovations

Vital Updates scours the web daily for innovative health products. Cast your vote to let us know which ones you think are the most interesting.

Brain Cells Actually Favor One Parent’s Genes Over the Other

The new study adds a wrinkle to the current understanding of genetics and may hold the answer to the cause and incidence of some brain disorders.

At-Home DNA Test Can Reveal Risk for Hereditary Conditions

The newly FDA-approved test can analyze one's predisposition for certain hereditary conditions, like celiac disease and Alzheimer's.

Robot Joins Classroom as Teacher for Autistic Children

Learning social skills from a robot may seem odd, but for children with autism, it can provide a unique experience that is more predictable and engaging.

Scientists May Be Getting Closer to Curing HIV

City of Hope currently has active clinical trials of gene therapy for AIDS using blood stem cell transplantation.

Can Unwanted Thoughts Be Prevented?

The study found an interesting insight when looking at levels of GABA within the brain.

New Chocolate Pill Claims to Cut Risk of Dementia and Heart Attack

A new chocolate supplement pill can help reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and dementia.

Solar Cells Could Revolutionize the Way Pacemakers Are Powered

Instead of costly, cumbersome batteries, wearable solar cell devices could soon be used to power electronic implants, like pacemakers and brain stimulators.

This Breathalyzer Could Be Used to Detect Diseases, Cancer

The technology of breathalyzers has progressed, from detecting the amounts of alcohol in someone’s blood, to now — diagnosing illness.

Scientists Have Removed HIV from the Genes of Infected Mice

The researchers had conducted previous experiments on mice using CRISPR/Cas9 but with less impressive results.

New Artificial Womb May One Day Save Premature Babies  

A newly-tested artificial womb could save babies born extremely prematurely, according to a study published in journal Nature Communications.

New Tech Allows Users to Pay With Their Veins

A new biometric payment system reads a customer’s finger veins to complete a purchase.

Elephants May Hold the Key to Curing Cancer

Less than five percent of elephants get cancer in their lifetime, and an abundance of a cancer-fighting protein in their genetic makeup is likely the reason why.

Study Uses Sperm as Cancer-Destroying Missiles

The novel findings offer an exciting glimpse of precision medicine using organic matter to combat cancer.

New Headband Technology From South Korea Aims to Treat Depression

This new type of treatment does not try to lessen symptoms, but rather cure depression itself.

Chronic Pain Can Stop, Study Says

A new animal study shows how chronic pain starts and where it can end.

Toddler Receives Life-Saving Surgery to Remove Rare 5-Pound Facial Tumor  

At only 3 years old, Melyssa Delgado Braga’s face was being consumed by myxoma, a rare yet aggressive facial tumor.

Robotic Hip Device Works to Prevent Devastating Falls

A device called Active Pelvis Orthosis, or APO, can prevent elderly persons from falling, even when put through hazardous conditions on a treadmill.

This New Fabric Repels Grease Stains

Good news for pizza lovers — this new nanotech fabric is oil and grease-resistant.

New Technology Deciphers Thoughts of Paralyzed People Who Can’t Speak

By measuring a person’s electrical activity in the brain, the brain-computer interface allowed patients to communicate in response to simple questions.

New Blood Test Can Reveal Just How Well You’re Aging

Analyzing biomarker signatures in the blood offers insight into a person’s risk for developing age-determined diseases and even death.

How One Woman’s Pain Inspired This Innovative Massage Tool

After studying her own body's chronic pain, Ashley Black was inspired to invent a massage tool that targets the tight fascia areas of the body and also works to diminish cellulite.

Artificial Blood Powder Could One Day Save Lives

Researchers have figured out a way to make artificial blood, and all it takes is mixing up water and small bag of powder.

Do Sea Anemones Hold the Key to Generating Human Heart Cells?

Sea anemones, although without an actual heart, do contain “heart genes” that researchers have found to be identical to human heart genes.

When High Heels Hurt, Try These ‘Pillows’ for Your Feet

Anyone who has ever worn high heels knows that tingly ball-of-foot pain that happens after a few hours. That pain can ruin your night...

New Chewing Gum May Detect Cancer

The gum detects “volatiles” within saliva as it’s chewed and is then studied to find if the chewer produced chemicals associated with cancer.

Computer-Based Therapy Helps College Students Drink Less

For college students who routinely go on binge drinking sprees, a new computerized interface may help curb the dangerous behavior. Researchers from Brown University School...

Sleep Tracker Inaccuracy May Cause Obsessive Behavior

With approximately 15 percent of Americans wearing activity trackers, the question remains as to whether it is doing them any good when it comes to accurately tracking sleep patterns.

Magic Mushrooms May ‘Reset’ Depressed Patients’ Brains

The researchers note that using psilocybin as a treatment method is a tactic that goes back centuries, and one that may be beneficial for hard-to-treat cases of depression.

Scientists Disable Cancer’s Ability to Spread Using Tiny Gold Rods

The new technique showed that using tiny gold rods heated by lasers essentially sawed off the cancer cells’ legs.

Wireless Brain Implant Helps Paralyzed Monkeys to Walk Again

A wireless chip implanted in the brain communicates with the spinal cord below the injury.

Komodo Dragon Blood Could Be Used to Fight Infections

Komodo dragons possess antimicrobial saliva and blood, a discovery that could have broader implications for fighting infections in humans.

Scientists Create Topical Drug That Tans Skin

Scientists have developed a topical drug that darkens skin pigmentation without the sun's rays.

Parkinson’s Disease May Not Start With the Brain

The discovery of a protein in the gut provides a previously unrecognized origin of where changes to the same protein in the brain could happen.

New Utensil Gives People With Disabilities More Control at Mealtime

Liftware Level is a specially designed utensil to help people with hand tremors and other mobility conditions.

Antioxidant in Broccoli Holds Promise as Diabetes Treatment

The new study adds compelling evidence that the extract can combat the growing rates of diabetes worldwide.

Umbilical Cord Blood May Boost Memory and Learning

Researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine identified a specific protein in the plasma of umbilical cord blood that increased cognitive functioning in animal studies.

WATCH: This New Robotic Hand Has a Human Touch

A group of scientists from Cornell University may have devised a way for a robot to feel its surroundings internally, similar to the way humans do.

Australian Students Recreate ‘Pharma Bro’ Shkreli’s Price-Hiked Drug

Students in Australia might be giving Martin Shkreli, the pharmaceutical executive once dubbed “the most hated man in America,” a run for his money.

Scrub Away Cellulite With Coffee Grounds?

Scrubs made with coffee grounds can give your skin an extra boost from the antioxidants, and the caffeine can tighten the skin.

Mussel Secretions May Help Reduce Scars

Researchers created a mussel-based glue that also led to a healthier functioning of skin cells after a wound had healed.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Strongly Linked to Brain Inflammation

The discovery is a major breakthrough in understanding the biology of OCD.


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