Seeing Pain Can Make You Feel Pain Too

A new study suggests that just watching pain could cause you to experience pain yourself.

Sibling Rivalry: Are First-Born Children Smarter?

Researchers found that parents of multiple children routinely alter their treatment of non-first born children, which affects their IQ and perhaps even personality traits.

Why You Don’t Want to Clean That Filthy Kitchen Sponge

A new study discovered that there's an alarming amount of bacteria on kitchen sponges, and why cleaning them may actually make it worse.

Using Your Phone Is Actually Disrupting Your Workout

Being on your phone while exercising not only distracts you from the workout at hand, but also compromises your posture and the intensity of your routine.

Not Enough Meat in Diet May Lead to Preterm Birth: Study

Researchers discovered a linear association between low levels of B12, a vitamin largely found in meat and animal products, and preterm birth.

Mixing Alcohol and Energy Drinks Is a Recipe for Injuries: Study

Energy drinks can mask the effects of alcohol, which can lead to consuming more alcohol and experiencing more hazardous situations.

File, Print, Wear: New 3D Bioprinter Creates Human Skin

Scientists believe they may have found a fast, reliable method to reduce the need for costly procedures like skin grafts.

5 Ways to Check Your Body for Skin Cancer

Here are five simple ways to check for melanoma, the most common form of skin cancer.

Chronic Lack of Sleep May Increase Alzheimer’s Risk

Researchers are further revealing why getting consistent, sufficient sleep is crucial to brain health as we age.

Feeling Uncomfortably Hot Makes People Less Helpful

If you need help moving or with setting up a garage sale, you may want to schedule it for a cooler weekend.

CPR Playlist: These Songs May Have the Perfect Beat to Save Lives

A new playlist contains songs that measure at 100 beats per minute, which is the same rate that first responders are told to administer CPR.

Campaign to End HIV/AIDS Expands to More States

Scientists and activist groups are joining forces once again to battle and ultimately end the prevalence of HIV in the Deep South.

Marmite as Brain Food? The British May Have a Health Secret

Are the British onto something with this tangy food spread?

Drinking More Likely to Leave You with Visual Blind Spots

A new study found that a certain visual phenomenon is heightened when a person is intoxicated.

Enzyme Found in Baker’s Yeast Could Help Treat Leukemia

Researchers say that yeast-derived L-asparaginase may be a safer, more effective treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Bigger Bellies Linked to Bigger Heart Disease, Diabetes Risk

This sort of research allows doctors and scientists to examine whether variations in genes directly impact disease function.

Fruit Juice Could Be Causing Your Child to Gain Weight

Data from the observational studies demonstrated clinically significant weight gain for children younger than the age of two.

Children With Older Moms Are Happier, Study Finds

Older mothers have a clear advantage over those who dive into the parenting pool at an earlier age.

Dance Program Empowers People with Parkinson’s Disease

While Dance for PD does not claim to cure any of the symptoms, it does provide a way for patients of Parkinson’s to “demedicalize” the disease.

High Doses of Vitamin C Injections Shown to Kill Cancer Cells

Researchers are studying the effects of high doses of vitamin C, injected intravenously, on cancer cells in patients with pancreatic and lung cancer.

Lonely People Tend to Be More Self-Centered

The connection between loneliness and self-centeredness feeds on itself to amplify feelings on both sides.

Scientists Find New Way to Stop Poison Ivy’s Itch

It works by blocking an immune system protein in the skin with an antibody, which halts the process of when the brain tells the skin that it is itchy.

Does Alcohol Type Affect Your Mood?

How does drinking beer or liquor, for example, variably change your mood? Researchers set to find out by studying various types of alcohol.

British Teen’s Body Cryogenically Frozen After Court Ruling

In an unprecedented ruling, a British judge sided with a 14-year-old girl who died of a rare cancer and wanted to be cryogenically frozen.

Groundbreaking Study Offers Glimpse of New Ways to Prevent Preterm Birth

Scientists have unlocked a longstanding mystery that may have important ramifications on maternal and infant health.

Here’s What Space Travel Does to the Brains of Astronauts

The study found that the brain’s gray matter decreased or increased, based on how long the astronauts were in space.

Coca-Cola Funded Media Conferences to Sway Journalists: Report

A report reveals that industry money was used to sway journalists to report that inactivity is a bigger problem than sugar consumption in the obesity epidemic.

Virtual Reality May Soon Help Autistic Children in Classrooms

Virtual reality is being examined as a possible teaching aid for the classroom because it can provide a way for those with autism to cope with being in stressful situations.

Exercise May Reduce Risk of Relapse for Breast Cancer Survivors

A recent study shows that exercise and weight gain play large roles in the health of breast cancer survivors when it comes to relapsing.

Caffeine May Prevent Age-Related Inflammation

Whether you prefer coffee, tea or even chocolate, regularly consuming caffeine has been found to procure health benefits, like combatting inflammation as we get older.

Ginger: The Superfood You’re Probably Not Eating Enough

Ginger root's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties make it a super food that you can easily incorporate into your diet through these seven delicious recipes.

Researchers Get Closer to First Lab-Grown Blood Stem Cells

The breakthrough puts the researchers on pace to make a tremendous impact on patients with genetic disease.

Lack of Sunshine, Not Rainy Days, Brings the Blues: Study

Rainy day blues could be called lack of sunshine blues, according to a new study, which found that lack of sunshine is to blame for some emotional distress.

Complex Mental Activity May Protect Against Anxiety

Participants were asked to answer memory-based math problems, view images of angry or scared facial expressions and to play a guessing game with rewards.

Mushrooms Are More Nutritious When Cooked This Way

A new study explores the various ways we cook mushrooms and what impact each method has on their nutritional value.

Why Hostility Can Harm a Woman’s Heart Health

Women who show high levels of hostility could be setting themselves up for poor heart health, research shows.

What’s That? Lack Of Iron May Be Associated With Hearing Loss

The link between iron levels and hearing loss is a strong indicator for treating and avoiding auditory impairments.

Get Fit, Get Smarter? Study Links Physical Fitness to Higher GPA

The difference between getting an A instead of a B letter grade could be affected by higher iron levels in students who are more physically active.

Vital Updates Top 10 Stories of 2016

2016 was filled with health and wellness stories that informed and inspired our readers to lead healthier, more productive lives.

‘Automated Dermatologist’ May Detect Skin Cancer With Same Accuracy as Real Doctors

The research team developed a deep learning computer system — or an algorithm-based technique — that could identify skin cancer at just a glance.

Irregular Bedtimes Lead to Poorer Mental Performance: Study

Here's why going to bed at close to the same time every night is just as important as getting enough sleep.

Sorry Sushi Lovers, Your Salmon May Have A Japanese Tapeworm

If you're an avid sushi eater, you may want to hold off on those salmon rolls right now.

Study Finds No Link Between Flu Vaccine and Autism

A study shows that there’s no link between receiving a flu vaccine during pregnancy and the child’s risk of being diagnosed with autism later in life.

Gut Bacteria Could Make Skin Cancer Drugs More Effective

Researchers found that people who had diverse gut bacteria were more likely to benefit from immunotherapy, a treatment used to fight cancer.

These Late Night Snacks Won’t Leave You Feeling Guilty

Craving a late-night snack before bedtime? Check out these five easy foods that promote sleep.

Can Dancing Make You Happier and Healthier?

Dancing does a lot more for your health than you may realize.

Post-Sex ‘Afterglow’ Bonds Partners, Raises Satisfaction Levels

There's a 48-hour period after sex during which couples bond and are more satisfied with their relationship, a new study finds.

Eating More Fruits and Veggies Can Improve Mental Health

The new study assessed vitality, depression, anxiety, motivation and other aspects of mental well-being among groups of participants who were directly given more fruits and vegetables.

This Artificial Lung Can Fit Inside a Backpack

The artificial lung is small enough to be carried in a backpack and is the first of its kind to actively drive up the patient's oxygen levels.

Too Many Melanoma Survivors Are Still Seeking Sun

People who survive a melanoma diagnosis are advised to avoid the sun as they're at high risk for another diagnosis.


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