Something Interesting Happens to Our Brains While We Sleep

Scientists believe that brain synapses shrink during sleep and expand when activated during one’s waking hours, and such expansion is a marker for learning and memory.

Many Hookah Labels Mislead Customers About Nicotine Content: Study

Many hookah products have misleading labels — some with triple the amount of nicotine listed on the labels — according to new research.

Stone Age Cannibalism Was Not About Nutrition: Study

Humans, as it turns out, are a terrible source of calories and nutrients.

Grandparents Could Be Putting Children’s Health at Risk

A survey of grandparents found that many who help raise their grandchildren aren't up to speed on modern child-rearing practices when it comes to safety standards.

Researchers Determine the Best Time of Day to Exercise

Researchers have determined when the body can gain peak physical performance during the day.

Does Drinking Alcohol Lower Diabetes Risk?

In the study, women who consumed nine drinks per week had a 58 percent lower risk for developing diabetes, while men who consumed 14 drinks per week had a 43 percent lower risk.

A Healthy Lifestyle Can Overcome Genetic Heart Disease Risk

When it comes to heart attacks, living a healthy lifestyle could trump heredity for those prone to heart disease, a study shows.

Adult Cannabis Use May Improve Cognitive Function

Researchers analyzed MRI scans of adults using cannabis to find some interesting improvements in brain health.

New Startup Teaches Autistic People How to Code

This is an incredible opportunity for people with autism who could make great coders and engineers due to their intrinsic attention to details and fascination with repetitive tasks.

Study Sheds Light on How Social Media Affects Real Social Situations

The long-term study used data from the Longitudinal Study of American Youth, a national sample of 2,774 individuals over a three year period.

One in Three Cases of Dementia Are Preventable: Report

Dementia is a mental disorder that affects aging populations, but the factors begin in early childhood, according to a new report. Published in The...

Babies That Sleep Alone May Sleep Better

New study findings oppose current recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics, which advise that young children sleep in their parents’ rooms for a full year.

Women Are More Likely to Have Smartphone Addictions

Researchers have found that women are more susceptible to smartphone addiction, as well as the underlying conditions of depression and stress.

Poor Sleep Habits Might Make Losing Weight More Difficult

A study found that normal sleeping habits carried the power to make or break a person’s success in losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight, regardless of the person’s nutrition or exercise habits.

New Documentary Shows Benefits of Golf for Autistic Children

The documentary, called "Voices From the Outside," showcases how one organization is helping teach autistic children life skills through professional golf lessons.

E-Cigarettes May Be Beneficial to People Who Want to Stop Smoking

New research studied whether vaping is "safer" than smoking nicotine cigarettes.

Here Are the Happiest Cities in America

Check out the list to see if your city made the cut.

Smartphones Are Draining Our Brains

Here's how our smartphones are actually making us stupid.

Even Casual Drinking May Lead to Dementia

Casual drinking — or about five to seven drinks per week — can triple your risk of mental decline as you move into middle age and older.

Women Are Closing the Alcohol Gender Gap

Women have nearly caught pace with men when it comes to rates of alcohol consumption, a trend that might have an impact on the health of the population.

Obese but Healthy? New Research Calls It a Myth

A new study found that obese individuals have double the risk of heart failure and a 50 percent heightened risk of coronary heart disease.

Buying Guide: Our Top 3 Supplements For Thicker, Gorgeous Hair

We all want thicker, more luminous hair and strong nails. And there are hundreds of products available promising luscious hair and nails so strong...

3 Bacteria-Zapping Products for the Home

To truly protect yourself, it’s time to give your cleaning ritual an overall tech upgrade.

Married People Have Lower Levels of This Harmful Stress Hormone

A new study found that being married essentially reduces a person’s chances of facing stress-derived health problems, and the waning level of cortisol among spouses has a lot to do with it.

Fitbit Saves Woman’s Life by Revealing Deadly Condition

A woman from Connecticut noticed her Fitbit was tracking her unusually high heart rate, and this data ended up revealing a life-threatining condition.

Meditation Could Help Anxiety Sufferers Improve Their Focus

A study found that incorporating just 10 minutes of meditation into one's daily routine could help to greatly reduce wandering thoughts and improve focus.

Lonely People Tend to Be More Self-Centered

The connection between loneliness and self-centeredness feeds on itself to amplify feelings on both sides.

Think Twice Before Swimming In a Public Pool This Summer

Multiple studies involving aquatic facilities across the U.S. found incidence of people falling ill from exposure to bacteria that lingers even in pools that are chemically treated.

Potty Protocol: Bidets May Improve Our Health and the Environment

Bidets are healthier, gentler and better for the environment than toilet paper. So why don’t more Americans use them?

Eating While Standing Could Make You Gain Weight

Researchers discovered that people who eat while standing up eat about thirty percent more calories than if they had been sitting down, which, with repetition, could cause weight gain.

Drinking Alcohol May Boost Foreign Language Speaking Skills

Drinking that extra beer might not help you when adding up the tab, but it could help you in a foreign country.

Chronic Stress Linked to Higher Levels of Obesity

Researchers measured cortisol levels in hair samples of obese people and discovered that these levels were much higher in the participants.

Happiness May Be Age-Related

A new study has revealed the two happiest ages of life. Here are some tips for the time in between.

A Healthy Sex Life Could Lead to Better Job Satisfaction

There's credence behind the 'spring in your step' theory.

Miss or Must-Have? Rank These Health Innovations

Vital Updates scours the web daily for innovative health products. Cast your vote to let us know which ones you think are the most interesting.

Study Reveals Least and Most Active Countries

Researchers tracked the activity levels of more than 700,000 people around the world who used an activity app called Argus.

Too Many Melanoma Survivors Are Still Seeking Sun

People who survive a melanoma diagnosis are advised to avoid the sun as they're at high risk for another diagnosis.

Ford’s New Crib Simulates Car Rides to Put Babies to Sleep

Ford has created a high-tech crib that mimics a car ride and may just lull your baby to sleep.

Scrub Away Cellulite With Coffee Grounds?

Scrubs made with coffee grounds can give your skin an extra boost from the antioxidants, and the caffeine can tighten the skin.

More Pregnant Women Are Using Marijuana

About 4 percent of pregnant women said they have used marijuana in the past month.

Sibling Rivalry: Are First-Born Children Smarter?

Researchers found that parents of multiple children routinely alter their treatment of non-first born children, which affects their IQ and perhaps even personality traits.

Italians Are the Healthiest People in the World: Report

Could marinara sauce be the true fountain of youth?

Children Who Lose Sleep Age More

Researchers at Princeton found a link between children getting less sleep and shorter telomere lengths.

Poll Finds Majority of Americans Are Addicted to Smartphones

A new poll found that 9 out of 10 Americans feel compelled to constantly check their notifications, and one-fifth claim their smartphone is a significant source of stress.

Simple Steps Women of All Ages Can Do to Take Care of Their Health

From age 20 to 60 and beyond, here are specific health tips that women should stay on top of as they age.

Long-Term Breastfeeding May Reduce Mother’s Risk of Multiple Sclerosis

The link between breastfeeding and lower MS risk showed to be strongest for women who breastfeed for 15 months or more.

Why You Don’t Want to Clean That Filthy Kitchen Sponge

A new study discovered that there's an alarming amount of bacteria on kitchen sponges, and why cleaning them may actually make it worse.

4 Ways to Ease the Pain of High Heels

Heels may look beautiful, but they are incredibly painful and can even be bad for your health. And the higher the heels, the bigger the impact.

Feeling Uncomfortably Hot Makes People Less Helpful

If you need help moving or with setting up a garage sale, you may want to schedule it for a cooler weekend.

Study Confirms What Mothers Already Know: They’re Tired

Having children in the household was the only factor linked to sleep deprivation for women 45 years and younger.


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