New ‘Black Box’ Device Puts Surgeons’ Skills to the Test

A new tracking device may find its way into the operating room and measure – by video and movement – how well a surgeon...

Can Unwanted Thoughts Be Prevented?

The study found an interesting insight when looking at levels of GABA within the brain.

Ingestible Sensor Offers Inside Peek Into Patients’ Gut Health

Understanding the presence and amount of gases in the stomach and intestines can help scientists better deal with gastrointestinal diseases and other disorders.

Study Uses Sperm as Cancer-Destroying Missiles

The novel findings offer an exciting glimpse of precision medicine using organic matter to combat cancer.

Now You Can Drink Your Water and Eat It, Too

Believe it or not, this ball of water is entirely edible.

New Blood Test Aims to Detect Autism Sooner

Scientists from the UK hope the test will not only help to detect autism spectrum disorder sooner, but also to reveal new causes.

Could a Nasal Spray Help Treat Gambling Addiction?

For those who suffer from a gambling addiction, the National Institute for Health and Welfare in Finland is working on a treatment.

This Hand-Held Device Treats ‘Suicide Headaches’

The FDA just approved a device called gammaCore that targets the vagus nerve to treat debilitating cluster headaches.

No Cuts About It: Non-Surgical Weight Loss Procedure Shows Results

Similar to a gastric bypass procedure, the new 'accordion procedure' works to decrease the size of the stomach but without the cuts and scars that come with invasive surgery.

Gene Therapy That Treats Rare Blindness Gains FDA Approval

Experts believe the cost for the novel treatment may soar to $1 million or more.

Scientists Brew Probiotic Beer That’s Actually Good for You

The beer can neutralize toxins and viruses and even help to keep the immune system in check.

Currents Pumped Through Headphones Could Mean Migraine Relief

A group of participants saw a reduction in migraine days of three days per month thanks to the treatment.

Scientists Have Removed HIV from the Genes of Infected Mice

The researchers had conducted previous experiments on mice using CRISPR/Cas9 but with less impressive results.

When High Heels Hurt, Try These ‘Pillows’ for Your Feet

Anyone who has ever worn high heels knows that tingly ball-of-foot pain that happens after a few hours. That pain can ruin your night...

Virtual Reality Could Help Prevent Older People From Falling

Utilizing virtual reality to assess the muscles used in maintaining balance could lead to new therapies to help the elderly avoid falling.

Bacterial Spray Could Help Clear Up Eczema

Scientists have developed a spray loaded with the good bacteria that people with eczema are missing.

Stem Cell ‘SkinGun’ Could Be Used To Heal Burn Patients

New technology could make repairing skin from burn injuries as easy as misting cells from a gun-type device.

Doctors Use Fish Skin to Treat Woman’s Burn Injuries

Maria Ines Candido da Silva was working as a waitress in Brazil when a gas cooker explosion left her with horrific injuries.

Campaign Launched to Get More Women Into HIV Heart Health Study

Since antiretroviral medications used to treat HIV increase one's risk of heart disease, a clinical trial seeks both male and female participants to test whether a heart disease pill will help.

This New Fabric Repels Grease Stains

Good news for pizza lovers — this new nanotech fabric is oil and grease-resistant.

First Malaria Vaccine to Be Administered in Africa

It's vital to run pilot programs in these three countries to see if a malaria vaccine program could become functional.

New Chocolate Pill Claims to Cut Risk of Dementia and Heart Attack

A new chocolate supplement pill can help reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and dementia.

Old Wives’ Fertility Treatment Proves to Be Scientific Marvel

New research that studied the effect of flushing blocked fallopian tubes with poppy seed oil was promising for women dealing with infertility due to this issue.

CRISPR Pills Could Replace Antibiotics

Scientists are utilizing gene-editing technology to create pills that could destroy bacteria within the body.

This Bionic Leaf Has the Potential to End World Hunger

Just like how fertilizer may have been the main factor in preventing a worldwide food crisis in the 20th century, now a ‘bionic’ leaf holds the same potential for our global future.

Smartphone Add-On Camera Lets You See Beneath the Surface of Your Skin

NURUGO's smartphone camera accessory and app can help people monitor their skin health and catch early signs of potentially dangerous conditions before they even become visible.

‘Tree Man’ Has Surgery to Remove Branch-Like Hands

A man dubbed as such for his tree-like hands finally finds relief from this extremely rare condition, thanks to the kindness of doctors in Bangladesh.

New Test Can ‘Sniff’ Out Early Signs of Alzheimer’s

A new test hopes to sniff out early signs of Alzheimer’s — literally.

Sweat Patch Could Help People Track Their Health

The answer to tracking your health could be in your sweat. Scientists have created a skin patch that is capable of collecting and analyzing sweat.

Innovative Behind-the-Ear Technique Avoids Neck Scarring After Thyroid Surgery

The technique involves making an incision behind the ear instead of beneath the voice box, where thyroidectomy procedures traditionally occur.

South African Doctors Perform Second Successful Penis Transplant

The recipient was a 40-year-old man who lost his penis 17 years ago due to complications after a ritual circumcision.

New Technique Could Detect Skin Cancer Without a Biopsy

Painful biopsies, in which suspicious skin is lopped off and sent to a laboratory to detect skin cancer, may soon be a thing of the past.

High-Tech Tattoos Can Transfer Data From Skin to Smartphone

DuoSkin tattoos combine high-tech interfaces and fashionable gold leaf material.

Scientists Load Horse GIF Onto Living Cells

Using CRISPR technology, researchers successfully loaded one of the first-ever moving pictures — Eadweard Muybridge’s film of a horse galloping against a white backdrop — into the genome of a living cell.

Humans Have No Limit on Maximum Age: Study

With people now living well past 100 years of age, and advances in medical care ever present, there's no telling what the maximum human age is.

Plastic Surgery Goes Green With ‘Fat Recycling’

Hair is used to make wigs and old clothes are donated, so what can be done with fat taken out of people's bodies?

Brain Buzz: A Shot of Electricity May Boost Your Memory

Researchers hope their technique for stimulating the brain through electrical signals can help patients with existing neurological challenges.

Scientists Reveal New Prostate Cancer Vaccine

After receiving the vaccine, 77 percent of trial patients' tumors stopped growing, and 45 percent of trial patients saw tumor shrinkage.

Empathy Device Allows You to Move Another Person’s Hand with Your Emotions

The involuntary hand gestures occurred as the result of a mood change in the person on the other end of the device.

Arthritis Vaccine Could Emerge From Stem Cell Technology

The autoregulation that the stem cells can provide has the possibility to help treat diseases early, before symptoms become serious health issues, the study said.

Virtual Reality May Soon Help Autistic Children in Classrooms

Virtual reality is being examined as a possible teaching aid for the classroom because it can provide a way for those with autism to cope with being in stressful situations.

Hepatitis C Now Easily Treated With Oral Medications

Before the advent of these drugs, treatment for Hepatitis C included interferon, which many people say is worse than the symptoms of Hepatitis C itself.

Robotic Hip Device Works to Prevent Devastating Falls

A device called Active Pelvis Orthosis, or APO, can prevent elderly persons from falling, even when put through hazardous conditions on a treadmill.

iPad Game May Help Prevent Dementia

The interactive game was enjoyable among the study participants, something that is vital to successful cognitive training.

Now Printing: 3D Ovaries That Can Produce Offspring in Mice

With this study, researchers hope to help restore fertility and hormone production in women who have undergone ovarian cancer treatments.

Researchers Get Closer to First Lab-Grown Blood Stem Cells

The breakthrough puts the researchers on pace to make a tremendous impact on patients with genetic disease.

This Wearable Patch Detects Sleep Apnea

Read about the innovative new wearable that can diagnose sleep apnea as well as traditional methods.

3D-Printed Blood Vessels Successfully Implanted Into Monkeys

3D printing technology for medical purposes is still in its infancy, but its utilization for blood vessels looks promising.

New Wheelchair Design Eases Mobility Challenges

The gear-driven design utilizes 100 percent of the arm effort, making it much easier to go up slopes and across longer, more challenging distances.

New Pregnancy Bracelet Buzzes to Let Dad Know When Baby Kicks

New technology from a Scandinavian diaper company allows fathers to connect with their unborn children in a brand new way.


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