Drinking Alcohol May Boost Foreign Language Speaking Skills

Drinking that extra beer might not help you when adding up the tab, but it could help you in a foreign country.

Mushrooms Are More Nutritious When Cooked This Way

A new study explores the various ways we cook mushrooms and what impact each method has on their nutritional value.

Nutritious Elixir Helps Women Run and Bike Faster: Study

Physically active women who took a monthly supplement containing essential minerals sliced nearly a minute off a three-mile run – and gained other aerobic...

Here’s What Happens in Your Brain When You Talk Politics

A new study may shed some light on why we get so passionate about politics.

Ingestible Sensor Offers Inside Peek Into Patients’ Gut Health

Understanding the presence and amount of gases in the stomach and intestines can help scientists better deal with gastrointestinal diseases and other disorders.

10 Alternate Birth Control Devices and Methods

Can't remember to take the pill everyday? Here's an overview of alternate birth control devices and methods that may work better for you.

New Blood Test Aims to Detect Autism Sooner

Scientists from the UK hope the test will not only help to detect autism spectrum disorder sooner, but also to reveal new causes.

Doctors Are Spending More Time Doing Paperwork Than Actually Seeing Patients

It's a problem that's getting worse: Doctors are increasingly relying on computers to document their patients' visits, and issues with medical records persist.

Eating Leafy Greens Daily Could Help Slow Cognitive Decline

Adding more greens to your diet could be the way to live a longer life with a sharper brain.

Pricier Medication May Cause Worse Effects, Study Suggests

The study analyzed brain imaging to further understand how medication pricing can influence the nocebo effect.

Sibling Bullying May Lead to Psychotic Disorders in Adulthood

Even after adjusting the study, involvement in sibling bullying was associated with psychotic disorder.

Pollution Linked to 9 Million Deaths Worldwide

Pollution is a severe and underreported contributor to global disease.

Does Owning a Pet Make You Healthier?

Researchers looked at households with pets to see how the health and well-being of pet owners fared later in life.

Bad Gut Bacteria Could Sabotage Your Weight Loss Resolution

Researchers find that both good and bad bacteria are essential to a healthy gut.

How to Achieve the 10-Step Korean Skincare Routine

While it may sound daunting, a 10-step Korean skincare routine is doable with the right knowledge and products.

Alzheimer’s Death Rate Continues to Spike

With the Alzheimer's death rate continuing to spike in the U.S., the quality of care that Alzheimer's patients are getting is a major concern.

Diet Soda Linked to Obesity and Heart Disease

A new study finds that drinking diet soda actually leads to long-term weight gain among other health complications.

Long-term Acetaminophen Use in Pregnancy Tied to ADHD in Kids

The link is found only among pregnant women who took a product containing acetaminophen for 29 days in succession or more.

Where You Live May Determine Your Risk of Dying From Certain Cancers

Cancer deaths in the U.S. plummeted 20 percent between 1980 and 2014, but a county-by-county breakdown reveals some areas actually saw cancer cases rise.

Positive Mood May Strengthen Flu Shot Effectiveness

The vaccination day could be a particularly important time where one's positive mood influences the body’s immune response.

Scientists Brew Probiotic Beer That’s Actually Good for You

The beer can neutralize toxins and viruses and even help to keep the immune system in check.

Circadian Clock Disruptions Could Impact Your Waistline

A new study on your body’s internal clock could lead to innovative new treatments for obesity.

Currents Pumped Through Headphones Could Mean Migraine Relief

A group of participants saw a reduction in migraine days of three days per month thanks to the treatment.

Ford’s New Crib Simulates Car Rides to Put Babies to Sleep

Ford has created a high-tech crib that mimics a car ride and may just lull your baby to sleep.

These Mediterranean Plants May Fight Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Both prickly pear and brown seaweed plants have medicinal properties that could prove beneficial for treating and even preventing these degenerative brain diseases.

Scientists Have Removed HIV from the Genes of Infected Mice

The researchers had conducted previous experiments on mice using CRISPR/Cas9 but with less impressive results.

Eating More Fruits and Veggies Can Improve Mental Health

The new study assessed vitality, depression, anxiety, motivation and other aspects of mental well-being among groups of participants who were directly given more fruits and vegetables.

How to Remedy Constant Workplace Snacking

Is your office culture causing you to mindlessly snack throughout the day and pack on the pounds as a result?

Your ZIP Code May Influence Your Death as Much as Your Genes

Where you live may determine how you die, and how long you live, according to a new study.

Girls Who Play Soccer Suffer More Concussions Than Football Players

High school girls who play soccer get more concussions than boys who play football, according to new research.

Dirty Dozen: Here Are the World’s Most Dangerous Bacteria

They are a veritable deadly dozen of bacteria for which antibiotics have no impact.

Children Learn Equally From Reading Digital and Print Books

Although in a computerized format, digital books show no advantage compared to print books when it comes to children learning from them.

Gene Therapy That Treats Rare Blindness Gains FDA Approval

Experts believe the cost for the novel treatment may soar to $1 million or more.

More Mushrooms in Your Diet May Help to Prevent Alzheimer’s: Study

Researchers have discovered that mushrooms have major brain-boosting and curative powers.

As Americans Become More Obese, Fewer Are Trying to Lose Weight

Overweight Americans are becoming more satisfied with their weight and appearance, which has lead to a decrease in their attempts to shed pounds.

Removing These Cells Could Help People to Regrow Hair

Manipulating these cells may be the key to preserving organs and fighting the aging process.

When High Heels Hurt, Try These ‘Pillows’ for Your Feet

Anyone who has ever worn high heels knows that tingly ball-of-foot pain that happens after a few hours. That pain can ruin your night...

Friends vs. Family: Which Relationships Make You Happier?

A study found that one type of relationship is more beneficial for overall health.

Virtual Reality Could Help Prevent Older People From Falling

Utilizing virtual reality to assess the muscles used in maintaining balance could lead to new therapies to help the elderly avoid falling.

Bacterial Spray Could Help Clear Up Eczema

Scientists have developed a spray loaded with the good bacteria that people with eczema are missing.

Bullying Tied to Spike in Cosmetic Surgery

The researchers believe the new study holds public health ramifications beyond just the increasing number of teens who go under the knife.

Stairs Are the New Coffee Break at Work

Feeling that afternoon slump at work? Here's why you may want to put down the coffee and hit the stairs.

Campaign Launched to Get More Women Into HIV Heart Health Study

Since antiretroviral medications used to treat HIV increase one's risk of heart disease, a clinical trial seeks both male and female participants to test whether a heart disease pill will help.

Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients Are Living Nearly Twice as Long

Survival rates for women diagnosed with breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body are increasing two-fold.

Killer ‘Smart Bacteria’ Found to Wreak Havoc on the Gut

The researchers figured out that the bacteria can somehow sense they have become attached to intestinal cells inside a human and begin to express their genes.

Too Much Legal Marijuana Is Falling Into the Wrong Hands

A new report shows illegal pot use is up significantly in states with medical marijuana laws, compared to those without them.

Climate Change May Be Making Our Nation Sick

A group representing about half of all doctors in the U.S. is discussing the adverse ways that climate change is affecting human health.

Deadly Bacteria Could Be Lurking in Your Beauty Products

How often do you replace your skin care and makeup products? Here's why you should stick to the expiration dates and avoid using testers in stores.

5 Myths About Autism You Should Know

There are a lot of autism myths and treatments that are quite misguided.

HIV Patients Have Nearly Double the Heart Attack Risk: Study

A paper published in JAMA Cardiology shows that people with HIV have almost double the risk of heart attack than people who do not have the disease.


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